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Everything happened so quickly.

The six warriors sprang into action and stalked towards the riverbank where my father, Krane and I stood. The warriors fanned out forming a semi-circle as they approached forcing us to back up towards the fast flowing river that lay behind us. We were trapped. I helplessly looked at the chaotic swirls of the river then back at the fast-approaching huge warrior wolves.

"Alice, you need to run. Run to the Red River Pack and find Cole." Whispers Krane to me.

"I'll never make it." I gasp back, as tears start to well up into my eyes.

"We'll handle the warriors, but you must promise me to run and not look back. Find Cole." Krane urges.

"Go Alice. Go baby girl." My dad says as he tilts his head to look at me over his shoulder. "I love you."

Before I know what's happening my dad springs forward and shifts into his wolf toppling over a Warrior who's completely taken off guard by my dad's shift.

"Run Alice! Run!" growls Krane as he too steps forward with his cane raised and swipes skilfully at two other warriors who he knocks down with ease leaving a path for me to escape from to the left the river.

A flashback of when my brother screamed at me ten years ago comes flooding into my mind making me freeze up for a second before my wolf howls in my head bringing me back to my senses

As ordered, I spin on my heels and start to make my escape when suddenly my feet are swept from under me, and I topple to the floor. I look over my shoulder to see that it was Beta Jay who took me down, refusing to let me go, refusing to let me escape without a fight. He starts closing in, a look of determination on his face. The look alone angers me enough to motivate me to get back onto my feet. Once again, I try and bolt away, but Jay loops a big arm around waist and slams me into his chest.

"Mine." he growls in my ear.

"Never!" I scream out.

Coles training suddenly flashes in my mind, I stamp hard on Jays foot then elbow him in the rib making him momentarily double over and release me and I fall to the floor and try and scramble away. However as soon as I try and get a few feet away Jay grabs hold of me once more yanking me back into his arms.

"Mine." Jay bellows again, his Beta aura making my skin tingle uncomfortably.

"Stop! Don't!" I scream out as I feel Jay try and nuzzle his lips against my neck to force skinship. The fear of him forcing his mark onto me makes me thrash in his arms harder until a loud yelp from behind us makes Jay stop and spins us around just in time to see a warrior withdraw a large dagger from dads chest.

"No, you idiot!" Jay roars to the warrior.

"Daddy!" I whisper as I watch my father's lifeless body slump to the floor.

"Alice, this wasn't part of the plan...I'd never hurt..." Jay try's to reassure me in my ear, but his touch and words are like poison.

My wolf rages in my head and she finally gives me the strength to throw the Beta off, he stumbles back a few steps. His wolf eyes flash for a moment as he regains his footing and already starts to stalk back towards me.

"Alice." He says quietly through his gritted teeth as I snarl at him.

Jay keeps approaching, forcing me back closer and closer to the river edge, he's only a few steps away from me when a huge grey wolf jumps onto Jay and pins him to the floor. For a moment my heart stops thinking it's Cole but when I see the large scar across his face, I know it's Krane. It's the most badass wolf I've ever seen, he's truly terrifying.

Krane roars at me to get moving as he holds down Jay.

I glance at my dad's body one last time as my heart winces before I turn back to Krane and nod at him. Springing to my feet, I take a huge running jump off the riverbank into the fast-flowing river and get quickly swept downstream. Even with the thundering noise of the river around my ears I can hear Jay screaming my name before I get pulled under the water and thrown into the dark rapids. 

GAMMA COLE & THE SILVER WOLFWhere stories live. Discover now