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"Cole, Cole. Wake up son."

Blinking my eyes open I see my dad leaning on his cane standing over me. From the darkness of the cabin it must be late into the night already.  

"Hey." I yawn quietly as I run a hand over my face but hold Alice tightly with my other arm in order not to wake her. She seems to fit perfectly against my chest and snuggled up against my body.

"Leave Alice in bed will ya, we need to talk." Grumbles my dad.

Sighing, I slowly roll Alice onto the next pillow instead of her lying on my chest, but before I get out of bed I press a small kiss to her forehead, I just can't seem to help myself. Once I've tucked her in, I turn to look at my dad. I know he disapproves of this situation, hell so do I. I promised myself to stay away from her but here I am yet again with her back in my arms. Drawn to her like a magnet.

"Grab some glasses, will ya?" says my dad as he picks up the bottle of Whiskey from my kitchen and sits at the table with it. 

I raise an eyebrow at him with surprise as we rarely ever drink together, but I nod in agreement and collect two glasses from the shelf, then take a seat. I feel a bit uneasy that I fucked Alice against that table just a few hours ago, but hey, he's the one that woke me up for a midnight drink before I've had chance to tidy up the place.

My dad tries to unscrew the bottle, but his hands claws up again from the tendon damage to it, resulting in him struggling to open it. I take the bottle from his hand and see his wolf eyes flash with irritation, but for once he doesn't snap at me for helping and allows me to pour the drinks.

I slide his glass over to him and he sits back in his chair and takes a swig of it whilst I do the same. Smacking his lips with satisfaction at the taste, his eyes scan over to the record player in the corner then back to me.

"You still listen to your mothers' old records I see." He states before taking another sip.

"Yeah, I took most of them back to my cabin, but I kept a few back here also for when I visit." I shrug as if it's no big deal. But we both know that me listening to her old records has helped me deal with her death. That all I hear when I try, and sleep is her screams as she was ripped apart and tortured as I was locked away in pitch black cellar fighting to get out.

My dad nods before his eyes rest on Alice asleep in the corner behind me as she shifts in the bed, then his eyes fix back onto mine again. As a former Gamma, he can't help but to constantly assess and analysis his surroundings, I do it myself. I know what's coming before he even says it.

"If you won't take her as a mate, I want you to let her go." My dad says seriously as he puts his glass down.

I throw back my whiskey in one go, letting is slowly burn down my throat before I answer. "I know. I know I do." I say quietly as I roll my glass around with my fingertips on the kitchen table.

"Does your wolf call to her?" My dad questions, my eyes are focused on the glass avoiding his piercing stare. "Cole." he persists as he takes my glass from me forcing me to look at him.

My wolf won't allow me to lie to my father. So, with a huff I give him a small nod.

"She's special Cole and not because she's a silver, for wolves to call to each other...well It means something...can you not feel the pull to her?" My dad pleads.

"I won't take a mate." I growl.

My dad looks away with frustration, but for once he doesn't fight with me. Like he's given up wasting his breath on this subject. I should feel relief, but it makes me feel a little numb to see him finally give up.

"Then tomorrow, head back south and leave her with me so I can continue to train her. You've your duties to fulfil as Gamma of this pack..." My dad begins, but I shake my head adamantly.

"No." I growl. "I can't just leave her here."

"... Alice needs to be parted from you to break the bond you refuse to commit too. You do her no favours sticking around and doing whatever the two of you are doing...she deserves better Cole. Plus, she needs to be trained and who else better to do that than me." My dad sighs looking tired. His words sting, but not because he's trying to hurt me, because he's speaking the truth.

I lean back in my chair and rub both hands over my face for a moment before I have the courage to do what's right.

"Ok, I'll leave in the morning. But I won't go until I speak with her. I'm not just running out on her dad." I grumble.

"I know you'll do the right thing Cole." He smiles at me sadly as he slowly raises to his feet with the help of his cane then shuffles towards the door.

"Dad, You're the only one I trust her with." I say quietly with a lump in my throat. I find it so hard to talk with him like this.

As my father reaches the handle, he looks over his shoulder at me. "I'll guard with my life; I promise you that Cole."

The words make my heart flood with emotion because I know he means it. Even now, after all the years after the attack, my dad has my back when I need him. All I can do is nod my thanks to him before he turns to leave.

For the first time in years, I don't see a shell of a man anymore. I see a man who gave everything to protect what he loves, I see what Alice sees.


Shafts of light from the mornings sunrise slowly started to filter through the cabins window just before six in the morning, I'd not slept all night after my talk with my father. I knew what I had to do, to let Alice go, but I was having a real hard time trying to find the right words.

"Hey." Yawns Alice sleepily as she stretches out, snapping me out of my thoughts. Her dark locks billowing everywhere in a tangled mess, but she looks absolutely ravishing non the less. I'm still sat at the small kitchen table when she sits up in the bed grinning at me. That gorgeous big smile all for me.

"So, what are we up to today?" she smiles, waggling her eyebrows at me playfully.

Hiding my emotions, the best I can, I look at her straight on, so she knows that I'm serious. "I have to go back today, Alice, you're going to be staying here with my father..." I begin, but as soon as I see Alices smile drop I find it hard to keep going.

"You're leaving me?" She whispers, looking hurt.

Clearing my throat, I stand up and pace about the cabin a little. "I'm the packs Gamma and I'm neglecting all my other cadets. You're not the only cadet who needs my attention. I'm sorry, but I can't spend any more time training you at the minute."

Alice slowly gets out of bed and comes to stand in front of me, stopping me from pacing around. "So, I'm just another cadet to you? Huh?" She says quietly, her big brown doe eyes fixed upon me.

"It's just for a couple of weeks. I need to get some stuff figured out with Alpha Drake and Jay. It will give you time to get some good techniques down." I say firmly and as business like as I can muster.

"That's not what I asked you?" Alice breathes.

Sighing, I clench my fists tight and loose a few times to try and keep my cool and stop my emotions build.

"I've let this go further than I should've Alice. It's my mistake as a leader, I should've never gotten involved with one of my cadets..." I try to explain, but Alice is already storming down the hallway and halfway into the bathroom before I can say anything further.

"Don't let the door hit you on your way-out Gamma." She growls before she slams the bathroom door and I hear the lock click.

Every urge in my body and soul wants me to kick that fucking door down and slam my lips onto hers, to show her just how much she means to me. But my dad's words repeat in my head, if I can't commit to her, then I must leave her.

And that's exactly what I do. 

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