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Leaning against the bleacher chair, I stretch out my arms above my head slowly and carefully before a big yawn escapes my lips.

Fuck, I'm tired. No Gamma training in the world got me ready for this amount of exhaustion.

I've been up so many nights in a row now I can't even count them anymore, so I've left my beautiful mate to take over the cadets training this morning whilst I fulfil my most important duties.

Looking down at my chest, I check to see if our four month old son Hudson is still sleeping soundly in his baby carrier. Relief washes over me to see that he still is. He's a night owl and it's a fucking killer but I'd not change it for the world. This little guy will be the next Gamma of this pack if that's where his heart lies. It will be several years before we find out if he'll be a silver or not, so far, he kind of looks more like me than Alice, but it's early days.

My eyes snap up when I hear a cadet scream out followed by a huge thud that echoes across the arena. I can't stop a huge smirk slide across my face when I see that it was my little wolf who's done the damage to a male that's easily double her size, looking seriously smoking hot in her work out gear.

It's been two years since I claimed Alice as mine, and she's really taken over the role of the packs Gamma Female in her stride. She's easily one of the elite's best instructors, plus being a Silver gives her a real edge over most warriors. In short, she's fucking sensational. If it wasn't for this little guy attached to my chest right now, I'd be running down to that arena and dragging her off to have my way with her. I've already fucked her hard in the shower this morning, but when it comes to Alice, I'm insatiable, I simply can't get enough of her.

My eyes follow Alpha Drake as he comes to stand next to Alice grinning at her with pride, the two of them have become really close over the last few years. Not only because of how well Alices is doing as one of his head Elites but because she's also Allannah's best friend. The four of us often hang out together a lot especially now we both have sons around the same age. Drakes' son Kai is a month old than Hudson and he's already growing big. Little Luna Allannah is going to have her hands full if he keeps growing the way he is, he certainly takes after his father and I have no doubts that he will become a powerful Alpha like his dad and uncle.

"Hey, so that's where you're hiding."

I look up as I watch Beta Colton stride over with a big grin on his face before he slumps down next to me nosily making me flinch. Colton's his eyes grow wide when he spots Hudson asleep on my chest and mouths an apology for being so loud. I don't fail notice that he's sporting a huge bruise across his left eye.

"Well, did you pass?" I whisper, as I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Your dad is a fucking monster man! The shit he's just made me do was crazy." Colton says quietly back as he touches his eye gingerly, no doubt where my dad whacked him in the face with his cane. However, a huge smile grows back across his face once more as he puffs out his chest with pride. "But yeah, I passed. Warrior training complete."

"Good for you man. I knew you'd kill it." I say to him sincerely before we fist bump.

I love this kid, he's like the younger brother I never had. Colton is the second born child to Beta Everett from a neighbouring pack. When his elder brother Jax took over as Beta from his father, Colton was left him feeling a bit lost in his own pack, not knowing where his place was. So, when the challenges came up for our Beta rank two years ago, he put himself forward even though he was too young to compete as he was just sixteen.

However, just like me, Drake saw it, his potential at being something great. I mean the kid has some serious balls turning up to a challenger's tournament against warriors who were far older and more skilled. What he lacked in strength and skill, he made up with his silver tongue. This kid really has the gift of the gab, he's confident without being cocky. Persuasive without being manipulative. The perfect skills needed to negotiate pack politics. So instead of turning him away we brought him into our pack and have been honing his Warriors skills these last two years. His final test was to pass a warrior's skills challenge that my dad made me do before I was inducted as Gamma. The kids right, my dad wouldn't have been brutal on him. The only person he's ever soft on is Alice and now Hudson.

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