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"How many times are you going to make me do this?" I growl.

"Until you're fast enough to pin me down. Now try again." Laughs Cole, he's not even broken a sweat and I'm a hot mess from all my running around. I've yet to land a single blow even at my accelerated speed.

Cole crouches into an attack position once more and waggles his eyebrows at me telling me he's ready. Shaking my head at him, I take a deep breath before I run at his at full speed. When I'm just a few feet away, I shift to the left and use a nearby tree to kick off on one of the lower branches and go in for a high attack. I attempt to slam my fist against Cole's torso, but once again he ducks and I miss him completely and end up crashing to the floor.

"Again! Concentrate! I'll be back in an hour and expect to see some improvement." Growls Krane from nearby as I lie in the dirt of the forest floor. I see him shuffle away back to his lodge with a frustrated look on his face that makes me pissed off. It's not like I'm not trying here!

Getting annoyed now, I spring up like lighting from the floor and attempt to pull Cole into a low roll by clipping his feet from underneath him. But once again, Cole seems to anticipate my every move and grabs me with ease before he flips me over pinning me underneath him. His hands hold down my wrists either side of my head as I lie panting on the floor.

Cole leans his weight into me, and I can't help but groan out with pleasure quietly making him smirk, his lips are so close to mine I can feel his breath. His deep blue eyes full of mischief and hunger making me gulp.

"How do you keep doing that?" I murmur.

Cole's eyes scan over my face, dropping to look at my lips then back to my eyes. I feel a little wetness between my legs from him being this close, I'm so desperate for him to touch me again it's becoming hard to concentrate. Hell, I'd even let him take me here on the forest floor at this point.

"You're easy to read Wonderland." Cole whispers with a knowing smile at his lips, leaving me with no doubts that he can smell my arousal.

I try to pull my hands away, but Cole's grip tightens at my wrists, sending another flood of warmth between my legs. "Cole." I whisper.

Cole leans his head down and nudges my face to the side with his nose before gently peppering and sucking on my neck making me moan with pleasure. "Are you submitting to me little wolf? Do you give in?" He rasps quietly between kisses sending tingles down my spine.

"I don't submit to anyone." I whisper breathlessly as my back arches off the ground a little.

Cole gives a throaty chuckle then pulls away from my neck to look down at me. "Is that right? Huh?"

I bite my lower lip and nod mischievously. Cole smirks at me once more before his smile drops, obviously remembering we're no longer supposed to be flirting like this. Sighing he slowly gets up off me. "Come on Wonderland. We've work to do. Try again." He says firmly.

I lean up on my elbows and look at him with a frown. Did he seriously just get me all worked up like this just to go all cold on me again. Coles fucking hot and cold moods towards me are seriously getting on my nerves.

"No." I say firmly back.

Cole puts his hands on his hips and raises a brow at me. "I said, try again Wonderland, that's an order."

Clenching my jaw with annoyance, I get to my feet and dust myself off, ignoring Coles intimidating stares before I turn on my heels and start walking back to the lodge. "No, I'm done for the day." I throw at him over my shoulder.

GAMMA COLE & THE SILVER WOLFWhere stories live. Discover now