Chapter 19: SECRET WARS Part 1

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Note: I will add (838) to the characters' names who are variants of our heroes from the MCU in order to not create confusion such as Spider-Man (838). But I won't put (838) next to characters who do not have other variants in our universe like Doctor Doom, Wolverine etc. although they also come from Universe-838.

The Quantum Realm

Kang, now the ruler of Chronopolis, sat atop his flying throne, overlooking the vast landscape before him. In front of him stood Vision, the former Avenger whose free will Kang had stripped away with his advanced technology. Using his powers, Kang delved deep into Vision's memory files, searching for information on Wanda Maximoff.

He scanned through Vision's vast collection of memories, using Vision's photographic memory to study every detail of her past interactions with him. To Kang's surprise, Wanda was not the all-powerful being he had imagined. Instead, he discovered that she was a fragile young woman with immense power but no control over it. Despite her abilities, she was ignorant of her true potential, which gave Kang an opportunity to exploit her weakness.

Due to Kang having eyes and ears everywhere accross the multiverse, he knew that Wanda had caused an incursion, leading other heroes to her universe to kill her. Kang saw this as a perfect opportunity to exact his revenge on Wanda, as she had erased everything he had worked for from existence. He had a device that could extract the powers of any mutant or enhanced individual but would drain them of life in the process. Kang planned to use this device to steal Wanda's powers, granting him the ability to conquer all of existence with a single thought.

However, Kang didn't want to use the device on Wanda just yet. He wanted her to witness the end of everything, knowing that she was the cause. He also wanted to turn all of her former friends and allies against her, and he knew exactly how to do it.

Kang: Vision, what do you say we pay her a little visit.

Vision: What is it you require of me?

Kang: I will send you back to your universe, and you will act like yourself. You will convince everyone that Wanda Maximoff is the enemy.

Vision: What makes you certain they will believe me?

Kang: Loki probably already warned the so-called 'Avengers' about me and the being I'm after. Once they find out she is that being, they will have no choice but to do exactly what I want them to do. I will tell you everything you need to say. After hearing your words, they will have no choice but to turn against her.

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