Chapter 18: The Kang Dynasty

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The dynasty of Nathaniel Richards AKA Kang the Conqueror is not an ordinary one. The dynasty does not span across time and it is not a blood lineage. It is instead a dynasty of Kangs throughout the multiverse. Just as any dynasty, this one, too, had a beginning.
There is one thing that every Kang in the multiverse had in common. It was the one thing that linked them all, what made them nearly identical to one another. It was the one event that made Kang who he is. The day he swore to dedicate his life to end all mutants and restore humanity.

A long time ago in the future
In the original timeline

The 31st Century

Long before he became known as Kang the Conqueror, Nathaniel Richards was a very gifted child, just like everyone in his lineage before him, just like his great ancestor, Reed Richards (Mr Fantastic), he was gifted with unrivaled Intelligence. He was just born in the wrong time. A time where most of humanity has evolved into mutants. Only a very few number of people remained unchanged, not developing any mutant abilities. Kang was one of the very few humans left in a world run by mutants. Humans became known as sapiens. A world united under one banner, The House of M, in this case, M meaning Mutant.

Many mutants developed a form of discrimination and racial hatred toward the remaining humans. Some schools, public areas and workplaces completely banned sapiens from being there. Humans were seen as the lowest of the lowest. They were seen as the defect in the gene, treated like garbage. Kang saw how cruel, lost and unfair the world has become. He spent many days lost in his thoughts, thinking of ways things could be different. But he was frustrated knowing that there was nothing he could do about it. As a teenager, he was desperate to become a mutant himself just so that he would be accepted by society. He spent years drafting plans for a machine he would build one day, which will give him mutant abilities, he just didn't have the recources to build it yet.

Because he was not a mutant, he was looked down upon by both his classmates and teachers. He was all alone with no friends. What made matters worse was the fact that he was so intelligent that he won all academic awards and was always the top preformer in school. He rarely lost a mark on any test. That made everyone around him hate him even more. "How could a sapien be better than us?" They thought to themselves. He was completely shunned by everyone around him. Over the years as he went through high school, he slowly developed a deep hatred towards mutants. He wanted nothing to do with them. Hence why he completely scrapped his plans for his machine. He was proud to be a sapien, but he hated the word with every fibre of his being.

Years later he became a brilliant scientist. He developed groundbreaking advancements in both the medical and technological field. Yet, because he was human, none of those achievements went noticed the way it should. Nothing a sapien did, mattered to this broken society.

One day he was walking home from his lab when he heard a scream in agony. He ran around the corner and saw a bunch of mutants torturing a helpless human. The human was not older than 21. One mutant was holding the young man against a wall with telekinesis. Another used his ice abilities and completely froze both of the young man's arms. Another mutant was holding a camera, recording it all while they all laughed and spat in his face while he screamed in agony. When they saw Kang, they saw another opportunity. They began walking towards him while mocking him.

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