Midnight Suns Part 5: The origins of Chthon

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W.A.N.D. base of operations

Phil Coulson stood in front while Wolverine, Blade, Moon Knight, Punisher, Agatha and Ghost Rider sat around the table, waiting for Doctor Strange and Wanda to arrive.

The Punisher: What's taking so long? I swear by the time they arrive the world will already be a shithole full of those pieces of...

Coulson: Have patience, they will come.

Moon Knight: I'm sorry who exactly are we waiting for?

Wolverine: Wanda.

Agatha: What? Her? You gotta be kidding, right?

Coulson: I know you two have some bad blood, but for the sake of surviving this, I'd hoped you'd set your differences aside. Besides, both of you never truly met each other as your true selves.

Strange and Wanda then portalled into the room.

Agatha: Speak of the devil.

Wanda stopped in her tracks and her eyes glowed red upon seeing Agatha.

Wanda: You!

Doctor Strange: Calm down. She's on our side now.

Agatha: Look, I'm just as confused as you here, but apparently they need both of us, and I know why.

Wanda: It's because both of us have a history with that stupid book, isn't it?

Blade: If you two can keep quiet, and if you all would sit down, we'd be able to fill you in on the situation.

Strange and Wanda took their seats while Coulson began speaking.

Coulson: Now that I have everyone's attention, I will go over some of the details. Stephen Strange will then discuss the plan to stop this invasion before it ever starts. This will not be an easy task, but you were all hand picked by Fury himself to handle situations just like the one you will be facing now.

Doctor Strange: The plan is simple, our readings have confirmed a massive spike in dimensional energy in Transia. Which is also near where the blood stone is located along with Elsa Bloodstone. We will split into two groups. One group will be tasked to retrieve the blood stone from Elsa. The second group will evacuate the town and wait for the enemy to arrive.

Coulson: As some of you have come to realize, these things are somehow targeting us specifically and they know we are trying to take them down. That means they must be working for someone.

Agatha: And I think I know exactly who. The blood stone was used thousands of years ago to banish Chthon in an unknown realm. If this has anything to do with the blood stone, Chthon might be behind it.

Wanda: Chthon... I've heard that name before. The Watcher told me he was the one who wrote the darkhold, made the wundagore castle and created a false prophecy about me.

The Punisher: Okay I have no idea what any of that just meant.

Agatha: The darkhold's primary function was for Chthon to have a hand in this world. He was banished, but his minions... They ensured that his evil work continued for thousands of years. After Wanda destroyed the darkhold, it locked him out for good. Only thing is, if he is behind all this, that means he found an alternate way reach our realm.

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