Midnight Suns Part 3: Ambushed

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Frank Castle AKA The Punisher suddenly found himself woken up from his sleep and cornered inside his own apartment by multiple Zombies trying to kill him. Using his unparalleled military skills and one single pistol that he took from under his pillow, he took them out one by one, but more and more appeared as the seconds went by. He's tired, hurt and pissed off, with only one bullet remaining. As he shot out the very last bullet out of the muzzle, it accurately hit two zombies, through the head of one zombie and into the head of another, standing right behind him. He tried to shoot another one, but found out that his pistol was empty.

The Punisher: Great! Just perfect!

He threw the pistol at one of the zombies approaching him and tried to figure out a way to get to his weapon stash in the living room between the walls of his apartment. He held out his fists and began fighting them with hand to hand combat while trying to avoid being bitten. When he finally made it to the kitchen, he took multiple knives and began throwing it accurately into the zombies' eyes. He ducked and rolled quickly over to the living room.

There was no time to open the secret room behind the wall, so he charged through it with full force, breaking it open while dislocating his left shoulder in the process. Inside the small room was his entire arsenal of weapons that he used back in the day. He quickly took a smoke bomb and threw it at the zombies that's now in the living room. He put on infrared glasses, allowing him to see them while they are unable to see him. Breathing heavily in order to prepare himself, he charged towards another wall to rearrange his shoulder. He then equipped one semi-automatic pistol and an Ak-47 machine gun and began charging towards them, shooting them with the pistol in one hand and the machine gun in the other.


The Punisher: You think you can come into my house and try to attack me!? I'll kill you all!!!

He screamed at the top of his lungs and shot them down like dominos. Suddenly a portal opened up and Doctor Strange came out of it alongside Blade. They began to help him fend off the zombies until the entire wave was finally stopped.

The Punisher: I didn't need your help.

Blade: Oh trust me, I know, but that's not why we're here.

Doctor Strange: We are actually in need of your help.

The Punisher: I'm not joining your little circus of freaks again, last time that happened, we blew up all of Manhattan (read Avengers: Incursion War). Good luck with whatever this is though. I'm done. I'm retired and too out of shape for this crap.

Blade: Look, our entire world might be in danger and we now have reason to believe that we are being targeted specifically.

The Punisher: Who's we?

Doctor Strange: Recruits. Candidates for the team we are putting together. Moments ago, one of our candidates going by the alias of Moon Knight, was attacked by a wave of zombies just like this. The Wolverine was also attacked even though he wasn't planned to be part of the original team, but now that we recruited him, I believe whoever is behind these attacks has pre-knowledge of events. He knew that we would recruit Logan to our team, hence why he was attacked. Which makes this the third time one of us were being ambushed.

The Punisher: So we got yet another evil bastard trying to destroy the world... for the 100th time, and we are caught right in the middle of it. That's just perfect.

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