Chapter 13: Suspicion

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I yelped and scrambled backward, shoulders thumping the wall behind me. The papers slipped from my hands and fluttered to the floor just as Rekkan stalked into the room. His rifle was raised, and his eyes burned with ruthless contempt.

He swung the rifle around the room, pointing it everywhere except at me. I remained glued to the wall, heart in my throat, unable to speak or even breathe.

He lowered the rifle and dug a shiny metal object out of his pocket—the key to his fortress. "Looking for this?"

I blinked at the key for several seconds before managing to croak an unconvincing, "No."

His lips hooked in a sneer. "Where's the rest of your crew?"

"My... crew?"

"Just never thought the Cutthroat Crew would use a Southie." Bitter amusement poisoned his voice. "An excellent scheme, really."

"Rekkan, no one else is here." My voice shook so badly that I barely believed myself.

"Fuck, I should have seen it." He shook his head and hacked a humorless laugh. "How could I believe you actually wanted to live with me? That you brought your switchblade to the gym yesterday to protect me? You thought your crew had arrived, and you were prepared to help them. And I just ate up all your lies."

"I'm not lying!" My voice cracked, and tears pricked my eyes.

Fuck, I sounded just the way I had when trying to avoid a beating as a child. How pathetic to die at the hands of someone I had started to care for. Someone who had clothed and fed me. Someone I had thought might help me save the world.

The gun sagged to point at the ground beside his feet, and his voice softened. "Hey, I don't want to hurt you, Southie. I just want the truth. Did they threaten you? Offer you food or safety? Or, I don't know, maybe you're in love with one of them."

"I told you already, but you clearly don't believe me. Guess you should add me to the pile of bodies in the woods."

He released a quiet sigh. When he shifted the gun, I shut my eyes and flinched back hard enough my head knocked against the wall.

Metal touched my hands.

I peeled my eyes open and struggled to process what I saw. "I'm holding your gun."

"Agreed," said Rekkan. He now stood five feet away, jaw clenched, shoulders back, and gloved thumbs hitched in his pockets. Just watching. Waiting.

I licked my lips and swallowed, the rifle cold and heavy in my grip. "I don't understand. Why... what are you..."

"I told you I don't want to hurt you, Zafaru. So if you want to take over the fortress, now's your chance. Don't miss."

The air drained from my lungs. He survived eight years by habit, not by handing loaded guns to possible enemies. Why would he risk his own life instead of taking mine?

"Rekkan, I'm not part of the Cutthroat Crew, and I'm not trying to steal your fortress." I lifted the weapon in shaking hands. "Please take this back."

His shoulders deflated with a long exhale. A few seconds passed before he stepped forward and accepted the rifle. Then he clicked on the safety and strapped it over his back. When he spoke again, only a slight strain to his voice betraying the risk he had just taken.

"Alright. Then why were you digging through my possessions?"

I hesitated. "I was just... curious."


I racked my brain for an appropriate excuse. I needed to diffuse his anger without letting him know what I had seen. Then I could gradually draw out the truth with subtle, unobtrusive questions like...

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