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After the door closed on the last student that left the class, Taehyung sat and fixed his eyes on me.

His intense gaze was still on me and I felt myself getting warmer. I nervously stood up and tried walking towards him but my legs were feeling weak. I stride slowly towards his desk and was so distracted that I didn't see his bag lying down on the floor.

I tripped and fell on top of him.

He promptly grabbed my waist so that I wouldn't bump my head against his desk, but by doing that my face ended in the crook of his neck. My hands were on his thighs and for an instant. I couldn't move.

We stayed in this position for what seemed like an eternity until I felt his hands squeeze my waist. His cologne smells wonderful. I noticed that he hadn't let go of me. "Rena.." He was looking closely, his expression intent. He was my teacher and my brain was thinking only about one thing, kissing him. He abruptly let go of me so that I could stand properly on my own, and he stood up as well.

"I just wanna know-" He paused for a moment and took a deep breath. "How old were you when we..." He trailed off as he looked down at me carefully.

He genuinely looked terrified right now.

For a moment I stayed silent. I could see anger forming in his eyes the longer I hadn't yet spoken. "Fuck" He grits his teeth when running his fingers through his hair in distresss.

"I turned eighteen a few days before that day" I quickly explained before he started to panic.

I see his face visibly clam as he takes a breath. "I guess that makes me feel ten times better knowing I fucked a student who wasn't underage," Taehyung said sarcastically. He just didn't have the patience to be remotely charitable with me. He looks at me with an fiery gaze, eyeing me so hard my body would burn from the intensity.

I bit my bottom lip nervously. "What.."

"Why the hell didn't you tell me you were still in high school?"

I look up at the man. "You were just a random hookup, I didn't think it mattered" I didn't think much when taking a step closer to him and almost marveling when seeing his harsh demeanor waver slightly.

He runs his hand through his hair in frustration. "I could lose my job if anyone finds out what happened"

I cautiously move closer as I put my hand on his forearm to reassure him. "Nobody will find out... I promise"

He doesn't respond right away when looking down at my hand with an unreadable expression. "Don't touch me" He says in a rather serious tone.

"Why?" I muttered.

"I'm your fucking teacher, thats why" He replied when looking back at me.

My hand leaves from his arm. However I then placed my hand on the lower end of his belt and he visibly tenses. I look at him closely as my hand slightly goes further down. He doesn't stop me and remains completely still. "You know... I was kinda upset that you didn't text after, were you busy or something?"

He scoffed. "To be honest, I forgot I even had your number to begin with"

It kinda hurt him to say he basically forgot about me. I mean it's not like I was necessarily having a breakdown over him but I did think about him here and there. Taehyung has probably been the best sexual experience I've had so it's been pretty difficult for me to forget him like the other guys.

"Was I that unmemorable to you?" I ask when moving my hand just slightly and a subtle sigh could be heard from his mouth.

"No, I just forgot I had your number"

"Does that mean you would fuck me again?" I noticed the very clear look of apprehension on his face, leading me to smile.

I was about to open my mouth to speak when I felt him harshly grab my arm making me wince in pain. "You're dismissed, get out of my classroom" Taehyung said, waving his hand dismissively as he headed back to his desk. I watched the back of his head walk away from me. In a bid to mask my slightly bruised ego I quickly started to grab my things and headed towards the door.

"Rena" I stopped in my tracks when I heard my name. I waited for him to speak as I stood right in front of the door. "Don't tell anyone about this..."

"I won't," I said quietly and opened the door.

And with that I left.

Panting, I rushed into my next class and plopped into a seat near the back corner in one of the only empty seats in the class.

I glanced at my phone. I was ten minutes late but luckily for me it was the first day of school and teachers tend to be super lenient on that, especially to seniors. As class continued the more I found myself not being able to focus on anything.

All I could bring myself to think about was how much I wanted to fuck my history teacher again.

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