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A new customer walked inside the shop.

I was the lone worker at the store's front recently. It was a slow day today so luckily I am able to handle it. My manager Taejin and coworker Jinseoul hadn't come back from the back. Normally I wouldn't mind but I was less than a few minutes away from starting my so needed break.

Sucking it up however I decided quickly to take another customer. "What can I get for you today, Miss?" My eyes bat at the women in front of me.

She gave her a polite nod. "Simple Venti Latte and plain bagel, for Jisoo"

I charged her card and pulled a marker from my black apron. The bagel and cup were no issue as usual, but the cream from the machines in the back came up short. I gave it a curious look, failing to find any other creamer cups around. This was certainly a surprise but not one that would throw her rhythm off.

"Jinseoul, we need more creamer!" I called out hoping she would hear me and come to help.

However Taejin poked his head out instead. "We're out of creamer, tell them to order something else" He quickly whispered and before I could respond he had disappeared back around the corner to wherever it was he was at.

Unbelievable. What kind of coffee shop runs out of creamers?

I turned to make eye contact with my customer, who gave me a cock-eyed look being that she probably heard what my manager said.

"I'm sorry... Jisso, um-"

"No you're fine," She interrupted me, "Do you have something else to give it a sweet taste? Not one for all the sugary nonsense but if there's no cream I'm open for something else."

I knew she wasn't happy with it, but some caramel drizzled whip cream appeared to be a fair enough trade. Once she left, I marched to the backroom. There, I saw something that was common and I was getting all too sick of it was the two of them, Jinseoul and Taejin making out.

I rolled my eyes. "Hey guys.."

Taejin and Jinseoul both held a quieting finger up as I continued their little disgusting session. With that they both pulled away. Jinseoul gave me a bored and disgruntled look as she turned in my direction. "So we actually ran out of creamer, huh?"

"Yeah, Nothing in the back?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"Nope, we're actually out of a few things. I don't know how much you heard, but we were supposed to get a resupply yesterday and they haven't shown up yet for some idiotic reason"

Now you tell me this after I had to let down a customer. God, I hate this job so much. I just sighed.

I'm honestly not in the mood to argue today.

Taejin slumped back in his office chair with Jinseoul. "You're doing fine Mabel. I'm not mad at you, just do your best and keep people happy" Taejin tries to be positive and motivating, however all he sounds like is a muppet giving empty platitudes.

"I was hoping to take my break right now if that's all good"

"Take it quick!" Taejin and Jinseoul spoke in unison.

With that I took my apron off, grabbed my lunchbox, and reappeared in the storefront. No new customers stood by the register, but a tall man leaned against the back wall.

I haven't got a good look at his face, but he wore a dark brown casual styled suit, that slightly bagged on his body. He seemed so distinct, that he couldn't have just been standing there before without me noticing. And if he wasn't ordering anything, he might be the random unsuspicious customer.

Shaking my attention away, I decided to actually take my break. Hopefully that guy won't try to order because if anybody wanted to order something I'd have to stop my quick lunch.

Very quickly I ate my sandwich. In exactly ten minutes.

Just as I was about done, swallowing my last bite two more customers walked in, along with the other guy who was still here.

They took a quick look around, failing to find the barista behind the counter. I threw my trash away before reappearing up front and nodded to my new customers. "What can I get you two? Unfortunately we're out of creamer at the moment, gonna need to wait for a resupply for that."

The customers seemed a bit confused by that revelation and one had to reevaluate their order. As they thought on the subject, I peered over at the man in the suit from earlier.

He was looking around, eyes wandering around the store when suddenly our eyes made contact for a moment. I freeze instantly in my tracks. Were my eyes playing tricks on me or am I looking at the most handsome man I've ever seen in my life. He can't be real.

I noticed the jet black color to his hair where the tips kissed his forehead, and the attractive light stubble blanketing his jaw.

Not wanting to seem like a creep, I gave a polite nod his way before returning to the customers in front of me. I put all my focus on the orders I was filling out, forced to remind the pair that they really did not have cream available.

"Enjoy your coffee!" I handed the two their drinks.

The pair then left and I looked up to greet the following customer, to my not so surprise it was the man. I brought the brightest smile I possibly could and waved to him.

"Hello Sir, what can I get for you on this lovely day?"

He smiles. "Um..." The customer looked across the menu. Licking his bottom lip as he concentrates on the menu above, I couldn't help but be mesmerized by his beauty now that he was up close and personal.

He takes a quick glance at my name tag before looking back up at me with a warm smile. "Yeah, Umm.. Rena is it?" I nod my head. "Can I get an iced latte with almond milk, Taehyung?" He continued on, eyes peering into mine with those beautiful warm brown eyes, the way they crinkled at the edges with a little wink.

Wait did I see that right, did he just wink at me?

I felt my face flaming with nervousness, making me turn my gaze to begin his order.

I walked over to the machine's and made it as perfect as I could, step by step. In a few minutes when I was finished, I wrote his name down before going back over to him. "Taehyung.." Seeing him pull his phone in his pocket as he heard his name, he looked up with that warm smile again when reaching his hand out.

I do the same and reach out to hand him his drink. Very subtly the tips of our fingers touch, making me look at his hands.

His hands looked strong, his fingers in particular looked long and just the right kinda thickness. Unfortunately I couldn't admire them for long when seeing a silver band flash in the light right in front of my eyes. He was wearing a wedding band, meaning he was married.

Why are all the hot men married? It's not fair.

"Thank you.. Rena" I almost melt hearing the man's deep voice say my name. I look up at him, smiling gratefully.

"No problem.. enjoy your coffee Sir"

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