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Once we were in the car, Taehyung drove off a few blocks away from school.

As soon as we got to a more comfortable area he then came into his backseat to sit beside me. On the deserted road, I turned and looked at Taehyung's profile. He seemed tired, but also relaxed with a sense of anticipation.

He turned around to look at me and in a second reality hit me like a ton of bricks.

I'm just now realizing this but I'm actually in a car right now with my teacher. My breath hitched as he scooted closer and closer till there was barely any gap between us. He moved his hand up to my cheek, he rested my thumb on my lower lip and moved it slowly back and forth.

Swallowing against the dry ache in my throat, my eyes locked on his smile as he leaned in and kissed my lips.

Reveling in the heat I felt run through me as he moved his lips slowly and deep. The hairs on the back of my neck stood straight, shivers racing through me as he smirked. When his hands went to my hips, I let out a soft moan as he squeezed. His hands slid up under my shirt and along my ribs.

I feel around his hips to find his belt before reaching to unbuckle it straight away. Unceremoniously I toss it to the side.

He grabbed my ass and I moaned in delight as he slightly moved me closer to him, feeling his raging erection against my body. It takes both my hands but I pull on his buttons and zipper, pulling his pants down just a bit to reveal his underwear. I pull my head back which makes him look at me in a haze of desperation.

He goes in to kiss me again but I pull back further. Moving myself comfortably in between his legs in his rather spacious car, I kneel down in front of him.

My eyes marvel at how rock hard he was, just contained in his boxers. I put my fingers into the elastic band and pulled them over his dick and down just enough to let it come out freely.

I look up at him and our eyes immediately connect as he was already looking down at me.

Sticking my tongue out I made sure to look at him closely as I ran my tongue over the head. He moans beautifully at the smallest touch and that only encourages me to go further. I continue to gently lick as I grab the base of his dick tightly which again produced favorable results to my ears.

He smiled as I watched me tease with my tongue until my lips wrapped around the tip to suck on it a little.

His hands found a way to my hand in my hair, "Aahh, damn your lips are amazing" His deep voice rasps just a bit. I took that as an invitation to sink further down. I twisted my lips around like a lollipop and showed my eagerness to please me.

With my other hand I grabbed his balls and cupped them in one hand while stroking his shaft with the other.

It was admittedly kinda hard because of how big he was but I managed to push him mostly into my mouth. I start bobbing my head up and down as my tongue dances along his length. He kept a soft grip, letting me do all the work and not even attempting to guide me, which I kinda wish he would.

Just having him in my mouth was getting me so wet. Hearing his deep voice moan took me over the edge.

His dick throbs in my mouth as I go deeper and faster.

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