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"Welcome home!" I heard my mom yell out as I opened the front door.

I dropped my bag on the hanger next to the door and slipped off my shoes before heading towards the kitchen. Walking in, I saw my mother standing at the counter, cooking what was probably gonna be our dinner.

"Smells good," I said smiling.

"Why are you home so late Renny?" She asked, drying his hands on a towel.

"I was with my friends," I said carefully, gauging her reaction.

She gave me an incredulous look as if she didn't believe what I just said. "Doing what?" She questioned me further.

I look at my mother quietly.

Her focus drifted between me and the chicken she was sautéing in the pan. She is one of the very few people I don't like lying to but it's not like I can tell her where I actually was or who I was with without things turning incredibly uncomfortable and awkward for the both of us.

"Well, I gotta go do my homework!" I said out loud and before I could let her respond I quickly fled the kitchen, avoiding the flurry of questions that were about to come.

I stopped by the door to grab my bag before bounding up the stairs, taking them two at a time. As I passed my brother's door, I banged on it, letting him know I was home. We did this to each other all the time, just to piss the other one off. Opening the door to my bedroom, I ran, launching myself into the air and landing with a soft thud onto my bed.

I lay spread-eagled on my bed, looking at my walls.

They were a light green, covered with posters and writing on the walls. I had posters of my favorite band, animals and some were just pictures of me with my family. I had a desk that was cluttered with all of my miscellaneous things and my laptop.

I found my eyes simply looking at my school bag, thinking of all of the homework I had, but I felt no desire to get up and do it.

The heavy feeling on my eyelids waned, making my eyes flutter open and close. I let my eyes close briefly.

When I opened my eyes again up to the sound of my mom calling my name, echoing faintly from downstairs. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, glancing around my room before landing on the clock which read eight o'clock. I just slept through all the time I was supposed to be doing my homework.

"Rena!!" I heard Dohyun yell from somewhere, probably getting frustrated with me. "Dinner's ready idiot!"

"Okay!" I shouted back, considerably quieter than what he had been.

I stretched and stood up, feeling my stomach growl.

It's been awhile since I've eaten. I pushed open my door and made my way downstairs, my stomach grumbling louder as the smell of dinner became clearer.

"I'm starving.." I said as I walked into the dining room, ready to eat my dinner.

"Took you long enough," Dohyun mumbled loud enough that I could hear and I frowned. I hate the way he talks to me. He thinks he was better than me simply because he was older, which was ridiculous because he was only twenty two.

"I was sleeping" I said as I pulled out a chair to sit down.

"Did you do your homework?" Mom asked, setting the pan full of our dinner onto the table. I peered at it, feeling relieved when I saw chicken stew.

"Yeah, everything is done mom" I say mindlessly, omitting the truth.

"That's good," She said while moving the utensils and ladling a few servings onto her plate.

When she was done, I picked up the big spoon to grab two spoons onto my bowl. I immediately grab my chopsticks to grab some kimchi from a side dish and a piece of chicken before stuffing it inside of my mouth. So delicious as usual.

"So how was everyone's day?" Mom asked, digging into her own meal.

"Good," Dohyun mumbled through a mouthful and splattering his spit all over the place. Rolling my eyes at his lack of manners, I go to reach for some of the rice.

"It was alright…" I spoke after him.

"Did you guys do anything fun, meet any cute boys?" She asked further when looking specifically at me. I couldn't help but shake my head at her shameless prying.

"School just started mom" I say and she just shrugged.

"I know but it never hurts to ask. Your dad and I met first day of junior year"

My smile slightly faulted at the mention of dad. It's been years since he died but I just hated whenever she brought him up as if he's on a trip or he's in another town.

"Nobody has caught my eye yet" I explained to her.

"Even if some did catch your eye, it's not like anyone would want your hoe ass anyway" Dohyun suddenly said out of the blue and it really threw me off.

"Be quiet" I say under my breath as I turn to him.

"I mean it's not like it's not common knowledge that you sleep with any guy that will let you. No guy seriously would ever take that seriously in a million years" He says further with a looming grin on his lips when speaking.

I felt my cheeks burning from embarrassment at his unnecessarily cruel words. I open my mouth to speak only for no words to exit my mouth.

"What's Dohyun talking about, are you not a virgin Rena?" I heard Mom suddenly ask and almost instantly I felt my stomach drop. I looked at her, seeing the shocked look on her face. I could see the clear disappointment in her eyes the longer I stared at it just didn't feel good. I hate this feeling.

"She totally not a vir-"

"SHUT UP!" I yelled, surprising both myself and my family, judging by the way their mouths dropped.

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, trying to calm myself down. It seemingly worked for like a second until I felt my heart rate increase.

I swallowed hard, dropping my chopsticks onto my plate and quickly fled from the table, feeling my breathing quicken and become shallow. I barely made it up the stairs before my legs gave out and I collapsed, sinking against the wall and shaking. I could feel tears being forced from my eyes as I tried to regain my breath.

I don't know what about Dohyun bothering me had provoked it, but he had been the cause of the majority of my panic attacks at home.

"Rena?" a quiet voice asked.

I looked over to see Dohyun standing at the top of the stairs, looking guilty and cautious; as if he was concerned I was going to start screaming at him again.

"What do you want?" I sighed, in a mood as I always was after my attacks.

He came to sit next to me and we sat in silence at the top of the stairs, in total darkness. "I'm sorry," he apologized.

I glanced at him. "Did Mom make you say that?"

Dohyun laughed a little, pushing his hair off his forehead. "No. She didn't. She was pretty pissed, but she didn't make me come here to talk"

"Oh," I said, feeling a little foolish.

"I'm uhh.. sorry, though, I was just joking around and stuff, you know?" Dohyun swallowed, not used to apologizing. "I didn't mean to push you over the edge"

I didn't respond and just remained quiet.

Not wanting to be in his presence anymore I get up from the stairs and just walk to my room.

Opening my door immediately went to my bed and grabbed my phone as I laid on my back. I reached my arms out to hold my phone above my face. I immediately went to TikTok to distract myself when I suddenly got a text notification on my phone.

It's from Taehyung's number that he saved earlier.

I opened the message and for some reason a little smile appeared on my lips.

<See you tomorrow, have a good night>

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