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It was late, school was over and everyone was gone.

I let out an exasperated sigh as I walked down the dark empty hallway. It was such a boring day today and I couldn't help finding myself wishing for it to quickly end so I could see him.

Taking a turn to his door when I lightly knocked on it. Waiting patiently for him at the door, he then opened up and there he was.

Greeting me with a faint smile Taehyung took a step back to allow me to pass and I went though. Walking inside I heard the door close and a click of the lock followed, just to be extra careful. Feeling his arms wrap around my waist I sigh in content as I let my school bag that hung on my shoulder to slip onto the floor and lean my back closer to his chest.

"You're late, young lady" Taehyung's deep voice practically vibrated on my skin when he leaned down and pressed his lips gently on my neck.

I leaned my head to the side. "I'm sorry, do you forgive me?" I asked my voice slightly high in excitement.

"Maybe.." His deep voice expressed and I smiled before pulling away, walking straight to his desk and hopping on top.

His eyebrow raised curiously as I slyly opened my legs in his view. Clenching his jaw tightly as his eyes scanned my body, my stomach slightly turning as his gaze honed in on my unclothed thighs that my skirt barely covered.

Taking the invitation he then joined me in between my legs.

Taehyung bit down on his lip as he then placed his hand to lightly caress on my thigh.

His eyes still focused on my thighs as he squeezed them gently. His eyes glued on my mines as his hands slowly traveled lower on my thigh. My breath slowed as I could feel him nearing my entrance when suddenly I heard the loud noises of a saxophone playing. It was Taehyung's ringtone.

The both of us let out a huff of annoyance as we heard the muffled ringtone coming from his front pocket. We keep getting interrupted so much today?

Taehyung however doesn't hesitate when quickly reaching into his pocket and taking out his phone to look at the caller name.

"Who is that?" I ask curiously, not trying to come off super nosey or annoying.

"My wife..." He trails off casually before hanging up the call and turning it on silent before putting it back in his pocket.

I just sat there quietly looking at him. It was weird hearing him bring her up, a strange knot in my stomach appeared.

I didn't know her at all, I didn't even care enough to know her. That was until that day at the mall I saw her and Taehyung shopping. Walking hand and hand together. How in that short amount of time I saw her, more importantly the way he looked at her and said her name.

I try to focus, making myself smile as I look up and rest my chin lightly on his chest.

"How come you didn't answer?" I ask, trying not to seem affected by the sudden bringing up of his wife.

"I don't want to talk to her now" Taehyung says point blank with a peculiar expression on his face and I gulped. "Should I call her back?" He asked when suddenly reaching into his pocket.

However I quickly reached my hand to wrap around his wrist and pull out his hand from his pocket. I shake my head as I lean back slightly, wrapping my legs around him to bring him. My eyes look deep into his as I bite my bottom lip.

Leaning forward he placed his lips on my neck for a kiss. "You're such a naughty girl" He whispered before pressing his lips again and my breath hitched.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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