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The cool breeze flows around the streets and buildings of the town.

There was a beautiful orange and purple tint in the sky that made the most beautiful bag drop in pictures no doubt. It was seven already, the end of my shift and my official last day of work.

I looked around to cross the street and noticed the area was basically empty. Rummaging through my bag as I went I seemed unable to find my vape.

There was a nice smell of street food coming from the end of the street. I watched as a man paid for a cup of tteokbokki from some old lady, and almost instantly I noticed it was him.

I watched as he counted out the change before turning and walked down the lane towards me as he ate some of the food. Going further in my direction, that is when he finally notices me. Scarfing down his last bit as his lips then curved into a grin when continuing to walk, I couldn't help but feel a little tingle in my body seeing his reaction.

"Hey, it's you again... Rena right?" He says when approaching me, stand just inches away.

"You remember my name?" I say as I tilt my head slightly in a bit of surprise.

He laughs. "How could I forget the name of such a good barista" He says as his eyes also trail down to my hands before looking back in my eyes. "You vape?"

"Oh.. yeah I do" I mumbled.

I subtly found myself putting my vape back in my back as I wasn't necessarily proud of vaping. Especially at my age.

There was a brief moment of silence in the air. Very awkwardly I looked left and right at the basically empty street before looking back at him when hearing his voice. "Do you have a favorite flavor?"

"Strawberry... it helps me relax the most these days especially doing this job" I respond.

He shifts his body a little when turning around to toss his little cup of leftover food in the trash beside him. "No offense but working as a barista must be really draining and stressful" He continued when turning back in my direction. Damn, he just wasted some good food.

I shake my head. "No offense taken, it is but luckily for me today was actually my last day anyway"

He stares at me silently upon hearing my answer. Not responding there was yet again another wave of silence between the two of us. Smiling at me brightly when he looks deep into my soul. I almost lose myself in his gaze from the instesty alone.

"What?" I bit my bottom lip nervously.

"Nothing, it's just... you are genuinely one of the most beautiful girl i've ever seen" The man says with a straight face, leaving me utterly shocked.

I was caught off guard by the compliment. "W-What?"

"I said you are-"

"I heard you the first time" I interrupted him before he could say such a sentence again.

He laughs a little when taking a step closer to me suddenly. "What's the matter, you don't think so?" He inquires when reaching his hand up to move a strand of hair from my cheek.

I took in a breath to remain calm. "That's not it, I was just a bit caught off guard"

He chuckles in amusement. Whether he was laughing at me or the situation, it honestly didn't matter because I felt the space between us continuously drift closer.

"So.. " He said, and stepped closer, completely invading my personal space. "Where are you headed this evening?"

He was so close that I could feel his warm breath on my face. I remained completely still when smelling the spicy tteokbokki with a hint of tobacco on his breath. He must be a smoker.

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