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I shifted around in my seat uncomfortably as I tried my hardest to seem normal.

Making sure to keep my legs shut as if they were glued together, I absentmindedly stared at Hyerin and Solji. I watched them open and move their mouths but I didn't hear anything.

Thank goodness she wasn't talking to me right now.

I can't believe I let him keep my underwear. I can hardly focus on anything that happened in any of my classes and even now all I could think about was the fact that I had no underwear on.

I sighed before stiffly shifting and taking a spoonful of my rice in my mouth.

Picking up my phone, I look through my twitter timeline while half listening to my friends at the table. Just then my eyes lit up when I saw a text message notification pop up on my screen from an unknown number. Normally, this could wait when I was at lunch, but there was something telling me to check the message.

<Hey beautiful, I'm in town and want to see you>

Almost instantly I felt my heart sink in my chest. Without much thought of anything else I get up from the table.

I ignored my friends calling out my name when noticing me leaving and walking away. My breath was coming in short gasps and my lungs hurt from trying to keep oxygen in my lungs.

I basically ran to the nearest bathroom. As soon as I got inside a stall tears were coming out of my eyes and I was shaking violently, too scared to leave. I couldn't go back, I was terrified. Just thinking about it made my breath quicken, but actually having to go now, it was worse. I tried to take deep breaths to calm down, but I couldn't get air into my lungs. I just wanted to go home and hide in my room.

I know for a fact that I blocked his number. He always finds a way to get it somehow and I just don't understand why.

I gasped for air, momentarily not breathing for about ten or so seconds. More tears leaked from my eyes as I tried and failed to bring oxygen into my lungs.

After another couple minutes of painfully sucking in air, I finally calmed down enough to wipe my tears off. I sniffled, trying to dry my face off but I only smeared my tears across my face, leaving me a memory of the pain I had just endured.

I wiped my eyes one last time and gathered my bag, heading out of the bathroom.

Wandered aimlessly in the hallways with no direction.

I looked through the various classrooms that were all open and active when I came up to Taehyung's room seeing his was the only door closed. Does he not teach at this time?

I knocked on the door to see if he was inside. "Come in.." I heard his voice, almost startling me.

Opening the door and walking inside, Taehyung opened a drawer and placed a few papers on the table. He then placed a ballpoint pen on top of the papers as his eyes gravitated towards me. I don't say much of anything and neither does he as I slowly walk closer to his desk.

I needed a distraction right now, he's the perfect person just for that.

As I get closer to him I let my bag fall from my shoulder and onto the ground. Still not saying a word, he keeps his eyes just on me and me alone. He gave a long pause as his eyes subtly surveyed my face.

"Have you been crying?" I hear him ask, causing me to halt my steps in confusion.

"No I haven't" I said immediately. However, Taehyung takes note of my lie and just laughs softly.

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