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"Rena, check this out!" Solji called, her voice bubbling with excitement as she held up a pastel pink sundress adorned with a delicate floral pattern. The light from the store's overhead fixtures glinted off the soft fabric, making the flowers almost appear to dance.

I glanced over and couldn't help but laugh. "You know pink's not really my color"

Solji pouted, her eyes wide with mock disappointment. "Just try it on. It might surprise you" She thrust the dress into my hands, her expression leaving no room for argument.

I sighed, holding the dress up to my frame. "Alright, but I'm not making any promises"

Behind us, Hyerin emerged from behind another rack, her face practically glowing as she clutched a sequined top that sparkled with every movement. "I think I found my new party outfit" She declared, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

Solji's face lit up as she turned to look at Hyerin's find. "Oh my god, Hyerin, that's perfect! You're going to look like a disco ball in the best possible way"

"I know, right? It's going to be a hit at Jiho's birthday bash" Hyerin said while twirling the top around, watching the sequins catch the light.

I slipped into the changing room, Solji's hopeful expression still vivid in my mind. The fabric of the sundress was soft against my skin, and I took a deep breath before looking into the mirror. The pink was a stark contrast to my usual color palette, but there was something strangely appealing about it. The floral pattern added a touch of whimsy that I hadn't expected to like.

"How's it going in there?" Solji's voice called from outside the door.

I hesitated for a moment before stepping out. "Well, what do you think?"

Solji's face broke into a broad smile. "See, I told you! It looks amazing on you."

Hyerin looked up from the sequin top she was still admiring. "Wow, Ren, that really does suit you"

I looked back at the mirror, a smile tugging at my lips. Solji grinned, satisfaction radiating from her. "See... I'm always right about everything. Now, let's go pay so we can get a snack!"

We then made our way to the checkout counter, our arms full of our chosen items.

The line at the checkout counter snaked slowly forward, giving Solji, Hyerin, and me plenty of time to chat. Solji balanced a bundle of clothes in her arms, her eyes darting between the items on the counter and the screen of her phone. Hyerin, still clutching her sequined top, leaned against the counter, her face a picture of contentment.

"Did you see Jisoo in the cafeteria today?" Solji asked, her voice a mix of amusement and curiosity. "He was trying so hard to impress Jiho with his skateboard tricks"

Hyerin laughed, shaking her head. "Yeah, and he almost wiped out! But you have to admit, he's kind of cute when he's trying to show off"

I nodded, laughing. "Definitely. He's got that whole charming but awkward thing going on"

Solji's eyes sparkled with mischief. "What about Taeju? I heard he's been asking around about you"

"Really? I always thought he was more into sports than girls"

Hyerin nudged me playfully. "Maybe he's into both"

I smiled without giving them an answer. I wasn't interested in him, not even in the slightest. He was cute and all but there was something about him that was just too perfect and guys who are like that would never be with a person like me.

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