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When I arrived at my locker and opened it up she heard the sound of bubble gum popping.

"Hey Solji" as she shut the locker door and saw Solji leaning against the locker next door clutching her bag to her chest looking very shifty. "What's wrong with you?" I asked, with a genuine bit of concern in my voice.

She just smiled back at me.

I had seen this smile a number of times in the past and knew it meant trouble, this smile never meant something that I would be happy about.

As she flicked her head left and right down the hall to ensure no one was paying more attention than normal to us before opening her locker and putting her bag in it before opening it up. She beckoned me to come closer before slowly unzipping the bag and pulling out a small clear zip locked bag.

"Weed!" I gasped in a loud whisper.

"Keep your voice down!" Solji snapped in an even louder whisper back at her before quickly stashing the zip bag back into her backpack.

I gave a few nervous glances around but no one had heard their brief outbursts and my shoulders dropped a little as I relaxed.

"So this is what you meant?" I snapped.

"Don't be so moody Ren. I thought we needed some help to relax and have fun!" Solji replied as if she was offering me some exotic piece of chocolate.

"This is not something that will make me relax, this is serious" I looked around and then very quietly whispered.

"You're massively overreacting" Solji often took this too far. She had been suspended a couple of times and seemed to be outside the principal's office more often than not.

"How am I overreacting when you could get expelled idiot" I genuinely didn't care about weed at all, I've done it plenty of times but the fact that Solji brought this to school is obviously a big issue. She could get expelled if any teacher finds this and I really don't want that for her.

"I won't get caught, I'll be fine" Solji casually replied.

I rolled my eyes at her blasé attitude. It was annoying how unserious she was acting.

"Here, have a little gift to cool down" She reached into her back and before I could protest anything on the spur of the moment she handed me a small bud in my hand. I frowned not only in disbelief but in frustration and quickly moved to put it in my bag before any teachers walked past and saw it.

I wanted to yell at her at that moment but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

Setting my feelings aside I closed my locker, damn near slamming it before just walking away and out of her site. I heard her calling after me but I just ignored it as I then made our way towards history class.

I walked briskly into class a few minutes early, and the first thing I noticed was Taehyung at his desk. There were already a few students just sitting inside and chatting amongst each other while he quietly sat down, his eyes focused on the laptop screen just in front of him. It was like he was in his own little world.

The sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His dark jeans were fitted and hugged his body in all the right places. His hair was styled in a messy, yet fashionable way.

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