2: Squad 235; Salamander

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Hi hi minna!!
I will be slowing down my updates to one a day, so the 3 I'm doing will be updated slowly, I'll have a schedule up on the order of what will be uploaded! But I'll mostly try to be finishing my two that are almost done, so time without and The bad boy, but I'll squeeze this in there!

The song last one standing that is written and sung by the simple plan
Cause honestly, this fits natsu's attitude towards the other generals, especially sting


"Um lu?" Levy asked making Lucy turn to look at her best friend that was sitting next to her after putting there bags in the bus compartments. "Why are we going to the traniee camp? I mean we still have a year of school left"

Lucy looked at her and sighed, they were sitting next to each other, so she could whisper it to her, but with others around her, it was a risk.

"I have something I have to look into for a friend, and I didn't want to do it alone" Lucy answered while looking at her. Making levy looked at her then sigh.

"Ok, but do you know exactly what traniee squad we got put into lu?"

"Um I think it was squad 235"

Levy nodded slightly then looked out the window, while Lucy looked straight ahead while thinking about the suspect that Dave told her to look into

7 hours ago

Lucy looked at dave once she agreed to the undercover mission, she didn't know who she was even looking for, or who to keep an eye on.

"So who is like, the main suspect? You at least have to have someone" Lucy said while looking at him, while going through the very, very little evidence they had in the file.

Dave looked at Lucy them nodded "yeah, we have a suspect, Sting Eucliffe the general that gets his recruits from squad 235 along with another general, natsu dragneel but I want you to look into sting not natsu, but dragneel's squad is the best I can do.."

Lucy looked at him then sighed, nodded while looking at him


Lucy heard a lot about this squad, squad 235, also known as salamanders squad, the firecracker general. He is known around the school as one who isn't afraid of anyone, and is very easy to piss off.

The bus ride was long and boring. Yeah her and levy would chat and laugh about what happened on her date with gajeel last night.

"Wait, so he did what again why would he punch the waiter" Lucy said while looking at her laughing.

"He thought he was flirting with me I swear" levy responded while looking at her best friend smiling and giggling.

Lucy looked at her best friend while smiling "it's good you have someone you love lev"

Levy looked around her and smiled softly "I'm sure you will find someone Lu"

"Yeah, like that'll happen..." Lucy told herself, while looking at the window.

The bus stopped while making everyone look to see the squad. The course and the bunkers, they all got up out of there seats and walked out in a single file line.

"Welcome to squad 235! I'm gray fullbuster and I'll be your squads training leader, and I'll be showing you around and to your bunkers!" Gray said very loudly making every nod slightly

Once gray started walking around he showed them the course that they'd be training in every day, the work out bunker, the lunch bunkhouse. Once they got to there bunkers Lucy and levy sighed, putting there bags on there bed.

"This'll get me closer to find who hurt my parents..." Lucy told herself, even though this is what she wanted to be doing with her life.

"Hey lu was that gray fullbuster guy your type?" Levy asked while looking at her smiling.

Lucy looked at levy the giggled at what she was trying to do "no lev he's not my type but seems to be that girls type"

That girl, being Juvia, she was there cause her father is the commanding general, so all the squad generals boss. So she got in with no problem, but Lucy only heard great things about her, even though no one wanted her on there squad. So she ended up on dragneel's squad.

But Juvia was constantly flirting with gray, making Lucy and levy giggle, seeing gray turn her down every advance Juvia would make.

"Ok men and women! Let's get to the field general dragneel wants to give everyone a speech!" Gray yelled making every nod.

They all instantly started to walk to the training field, where they would have late night party's and everything, where the general, natsu dragneel stood. His salmon colored hair was a big point out to everyone. Natsu looked at everyone then sighed while seeing the one person he didn't want on his squad, the meanest Lucy have heard about, Minerva

"I'm natsu dragneel and I'll be your general! In this squad you will be listening to me and no one else! I have a low tolerance for no one that listens! You will be training, and going through the normal tests like the course and the field here!" Natsu yelled, making everyone look at each other then looked at him.

Natsu looked at everyone, seeing one that caught his attention, Lucy heartfilia, he actually requested her to join every year cause from the instructor guildarts, she's very intelligent on the field, so he requested her to join his squad every time he could before any other squad could.

"Now that that's out of the way, gray fullbuster will be discussing your schedules! And when you'll be waking up!" Natsu yelled while moving away, allowing gray to stand where natsu was.

"You'll be awake at 7:00 sharp! No sleeping in and breakfast will be over at 8:40 so if your late you will not have breakfast! The course will begin at 9:00! And lunch with be at 12:00! The shooting range and the workout room will be open after that, you must do both every day!" Gray yelled while looking at them all.

"Yes sir!!" Everyone yelled while standing straight.

Once that was finished they were shown the gun range, at told to fire a shot so there instructor Mira could see what to train everyone on. Cause everyone was different.

Lucy has never shot a gun, but she held one and knew how to, but just never had the chance to fire one before. But Lucy knew that levy had never held a gun, or fired one, making her look over at her best friend, seeing Mira have to help her on how to hold the pistol.

"This'll be a long day for sure....." Lucy told herself while she walked up to where she had to stand after Minerva was finished.

She put the ear muffs and gun shooting glasses on she her eyes could be protected and held the gun like a pro. But when she fired she hit only the stomach and legs.

She knew she had a lot to learn, but it was a start at least.


With the suspect named
And her now in squad 235
Natsu's dragneel's squad, says to also have Sting, where he gets his squad men and women

Will Lucy find anything linking sting to the murders or will it be nothing at all? And how will Lucy even get close to sting?

Find out in
Chapter 3:First encounter

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