1: The Beginning....

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Hi Hi Minna!
This is a new book! This one
Will be longer than the two I'm doing
This story will be 20 chapters! Or even more cause this one will have no sequel so it'll most likely be 50 chapters!! My biggest story!!

The song the crown that is written and sung by Divide Music it fits perfectly, cause of what Lucy's father did, but also how after everything in the story, how she sees everything.


"Mama! Papa! Look I made a flower crown!" 4 year old Lucy said while smiling slightly. Making Lucy's mother Layla look at her smiling while her father was on the phone.

"I see it looks beautiful sweetie, I'm sure your father thinks so to" Layla responded while looking at her smiling.

Jude, Lucy's father looked at his wife and daughter and smiled, nodding while on the phone. That alone made Lucy happy, she ran around after giving the crown to her mother.

"I'm going to make one for Papa!" Lucy yelled while smiling, going back to where the small purple and white flowers were.

Jude got off the phone, seeing his daughter run into the yard and smiled softly, he loved his family, and would do anything to keep food and his business running, even if that meant bending the rules.

Layla looked at her husband, seeing him looking at there daughter then looked at him smiling "she'll grow into a strong woman"

Jude looked at his wife, seeing her get off her knees and wrapped his arms around her waist smiling "she will, but I don't want her to do what I do, I want her to live her own life"

Layla looked at him and nodded while smiling "yeah...."

Little Lucy was happy, making her father a flower crown with a smile on her face, Jude walked over to her, sitting next to her smiling softly.

Jude had a successful business, but was also a criminal, stealing money from his business and using the corruption that was in the world to get more money for one reason. For his family...


დ .•*""*•one year later•*""*•.დ

5 year old Lucy was walking down the halls of the large home she lived in, she knew her father would be in his office and her mother would be in there, helping him with some of the paper work. She walked in, not seeing anything cause it was dark and the light wasn't on.

"Mama? Papa?" Lucy asked, once she turned on the light, seeing what was in front of her. That made her eyes go wide, blood underneath her feet, her mother and father dead, shot in the chest. Even though Jude tried to protect his wife, they both meet the same fate.


"Mama....papa wake up..." Lucy mumbled while getting on her knees, blood getting on her nightgown, tapping there shoulders.

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