10: Reasoning

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Hi Hi minna!
If you have read my announcement
I will be having another looong story come out after the bad boy along with the sequel.
The title along with everything will be announced on my page, so be keeping up with the announcements!

The song wildest dreams that is sung by Taylor Swift
this is a nalu lemon chapter, and this just fits it perfectly with that moment.

When Lucy opened her eyes she noticed she was still in natsu's bunker, she moved her head around seeing natsu by her, on his phone. Lucy smiled then reached out, lightly touching his upper leg. That made natsu get off his phone and look at her smiling softly while putting her hand in his.

"Hey, Wendy got your lunch from McDonald's, she drove into town for it" natsu told her while looking at her.

Lucy looked at him and looked at the in table, seeing the McDonalds burger and fries along with a milkshake. Lucy giggled while looking back at him smiling.

"I'll have to thank her later, but what about the obstacle course" Lucy said while sitting up slowly, making natsu look at her and sigh.

"Don't worry about that we'll be doing it again, just, focus on eating ok, you threw everything up" natsu said while looking at her.

Lucy looked at him and nodded slightly, remembering why she even threw up, she looked at her phone then sighed. She grabbed the burger and unwrapped it, taking a bite.

"So you find anything" Lucy asked while looking at him, after taking a bite.

Natsu looked at her then sighed "I did. But I'm unsure yet"

Lucy looked at him then nodded slightly while eating. She didn't know what he meant, but she knew he wouldn't hide it from her, she trusted natsu more than anyone she knows.

Even more then she trusts Dave...


Once the sun went down, natsu was with Lucy all day laughing and just talking, also there lips always seemed to meet each other's.

But this time, Lucy didn't pull away.

When his lips meet hers this time, the soft kisses turned heated, his tongue roaming inside her mouth. Lucy's hand roaming through his salmon coloured hair.

He ended up laying Lucy back down on the bed, with him towering over her as his lips never left her's. Natsu's hands stayed on her hips, he didn't want to push his hands somewhere or do something she didn't want to do.

Once natsu pulled away from Lucy she breathed slightly heavily along with natsu. Natsu looked at her seeing her blush and how her shirt moved slightly up when she laid down. Her under him made him just want to claim her, but he knew she wasn't ready.

But when he felt her hand on his shirt, lifting it up made him lift an eyebrow in surprise "I thought you didn't want sex"

Lucy looked at him, her hand still on his shirt, trying to get it off "I'm still scared but I'm tired of being scared, I trust you, and I know your keep me safe, I want this natsu I want you to claim me as yours"

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