11: Target

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Hi Hi Minna!
This will be updated on the weekdays
Along with Lycois Remembrance
They are both be updated until Saturday
Then bad boy and time without since I have more time.

Song mirror mirror the cover by amalee it will fit when Lucy finds out that natsu suspects Dave to all the crimes instead of sting.

"So, we going to, keep this a secret?" Lucy asked, while her hands ran up and down natsu's bare abs. That made natsu look down at her, smiling softly.

"Only if you want to Luce" natsu told her, while he played with a piece of her messy blonde hair.

Lucy just smiled while laying there, she was happy for the first time in a long time, but she knew that this happiness. This happiness wouldn't last forever, she knew now the fate her parents had, would happen to her, but she didn't know if it was only if they had kids or just couples, and the children was just an afterthought.

"Natsu, earlier, it looked like you wanted to tell me something, before we had sex" Lucy said while looking at him.

Natsu stopped his hand that was playing with her hair then sighed, he didn't know how close Lucy was with that Dave guy, but he knew due to how he went to her. That she was close to him...

He sighed and looked down at her "you ever thought that maybe Dave is to close to you"

Lucy sat up slightly, showing her bare breasts "what are you saying...."

"I saw the pictures, and I know crime scenes, and that pictures, they were taken before the police were there, that's suspicious" natsu said while looking at her.

Lucy looked at him slightly surprised then looked down. She didn't want to believe it, Dave being a killer when he took her out of her parents home. Helped her out trying to get back to normalcy.

Natsu looked at her then sighed "Luce I know it's hard to believe, and I don't know how close you two are, but I can tell you, anyone is cable of murder, and keeping close to his victims is a thing"

Lucy sighed then laid back down "I know it is...it's just, hard to believe he would do this, if it's true"

Natsu looked at her then sighed "I have a person, Laxus in the magnolia detective station, I'll have him look into it"

Lucy simply nodded, natsu sighed and played her hair "how close..."

Lucy looked up at him then sighed "he saved me...when my parents were pulled out, he was there to get me to my aunt Anna...we've been close ever since"

Natsu looked at her then sighed, he hated to admit it but he had a gut feeling. A feeling that Dave killed her family, and the cases she was undercover for.

The whole rest of the night Lucy just laid there while natsu was asleep, she was thinking about everything, to see if she could remember anything that was strange about Dave, or about that night. But nothing came to mind.

Then that's when she heard her phone go off, she looked at it and reached over, making natsu groan and open his eyes sleepy

"What's wrong Luce" natsu mumbled while sleepy, it was 4 in the morning, and natsu wanted to sleep.

But Lucy was awake, and reading what was shown on her phone made her shake in fear, making natsu look at her then look at the text on her phone.

It was from a unknown number.
'Your next'

Natsu then grabbed his phone and took a picture off the phone number then texted it to him. Lucy though was shaking, fear filled her.

"Luce...." Natsu mumbled while looking at her. Then held her close, he knew this would be something she worried, and the fact that he didn't pull out of her meant she might be pregnant.

"Natsu....what if-"

"No, he ain't going to lay a finger on you, I'll protect you Luce, no matter what happens" natsu interrupted her, making Lucy look at him and nodded slightly.

She then tried to fall asleep, while natsu held her close to him. Natsu stayed awake, making sure no one walked into his bunker even though the only three people that had the key to it was himself, gray and Mira.

But he wanted to make sure that no one else snuck in here. When he heard his phone go off he looked at it seeing it was a text from laxus.

From laxus
That number belongs to Dave Shallmen, a work phone for him, you want me to motion for a search warrant?

Natsu sighed and looked down at the sleeping blonde that was in his arms. He then looked at his phone

To laxus
Not yet, just keep eyes on him let me know if you find anything out

Natsu knew having laxus keeping an eye on him would at least help him feel better, but he knew if Lucy was pregnant with his child that his child would be in danger to. That just made him more mad that someone targeted them.

Natsu heard his phone go off again, he then looked at her then looked at his phone then eyes widened.

From laxus
Yeah, also the weapon, I looked into it, it was from a knife, Satan markings, but the bullets, we're from a police issue gun, the family was stabbed then shot

Natsu read it then looked at the text then looked at Lucy, he didn't know if she knew what Dave owned, but he knew now that he killed Lucy's mother and father, and the other murder.

"That son of a bitch...." Natsu thought to myself while looking at the door. He then looked down at Lucy, he knew that she was scared about this, even more then natsu was. The past was flooding back to her, but this time it was different, she had natsu by her side.

And he wasn't going to let her get hurt by anyone else, not ever again.


Natsu was now 100% sure that Dave was who killed all the family
And with laxus helping him keep eyes on him he knew he'd find something.

But what will happen when Dave wants to meet Lucy? Will he hurt her?

Or will he just want to talk to her?

Find out in
Chapter 12: talk

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