6: Don't even try

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Hi Hi Minna!!
I will be working starting today!!
So story updates will be slowing down
But I'll be mainly working on this story since it will be long, but there will
Be updates on the bad boy soon along with the cover for the sequel for that book!!!

The song
Over for you that is sung and written by Rustage and Johnald even when this is a rengoku rap song, it just fits this chapter and how natsu tryst to protect his trainees especially Lucy.

The walk back to the girls bunker was long at least for her. She was walking slowly as she thought about what happened earlier, his lips on her cheek and what he said rang in her head, making her heart pound inside her chest

"I'll wait for you for however long you need Luce..."

That went on repeat in her head, she didn't know if not letting him kiss her was what she really wanted. She knew though that it was smart thing to do, but it's not what she wanted.

"Dammit..." Lucy mumbled while standing in front of her bunker, she then thought long and hard about it. Was it really smart, was it really what she wanted before she walked in.

She sighed and walked inside, she knew she'd have another chance, to have another chance to kiss natsu dragneel....


The next morning, everything was normal, breakfast was going good. Lucy and levy were eating the same thing they ate yesterday for breakfast. Lucy with the breakfast sandwich, and Levy two Breakfast wraps.

Natsu though kept a close eye on her, he didn't know why she would always sit close to Sting's table, maybe cause she didn't want others to know while sitting close to natsu. He didn't know but he didn't like it, not one bit.

"Hey man, you ok?" Gray asked while looking at natsu then seen who he was looking at. He then smirked while looking back at natsu "you and the trainee heartfilia huh"

Natsu looked at gray with blush slightly on his face then looked away "n-no just I don't like how she's sitting close to that guy"

Gray sighed while looking at him "your hopeless, if you want her to sit here then just ask her to"

Natsu looked at him then sighed, he was right he should just ask her to sit with them, but now was late now. Natsu looked at sting, seeing her looking at her making his eye narrow.

He seen him walk up to Lucy, making natsu get up but stopped when gray grabbed his wrist "wait man, maybe it's nothing" gray told him.

Natsu stayed up and looked at sting walk up to Lucy. He didn't like seeing another man near Lucy, and he was a very jealous and over protective man.

"Hey Lucy heartfilia right"

Lucy looked up seeing sting standing there, she looked at him then nodded slightly, this is what she wanted to get close to sting, for her mother and father to figure out why they were taken from her that night. And for the many other families he ruined and plan on ruining.

"Yeah I'm Lucy heartfilia" Lucy responded while looking at him.

Sting smirked while looking at her "how about you come to my office later? So we can talk"

Lucy didn't even have time to respond, when natsu took 5 long steps, getting in front of Lucy, separating her from sting. Sting looked at natsu smirking while the other trainees were looking at them both.

"What dragneel, have a problem with me asking her to talk alone in my office" sting said while looking at him smirking.

Natsu glared at him, he see everyone looking at them, but he didn't care, he wasn't going to let his trainee get degraded that way, especially not Lucy.

"Your version of talk is sex sting and I won't let you degrade my trainee!!" Natsu yelled while looking at sting.

Sting looked at natsu and smirked, seeing natsu's trainees stand behind him. Stings kinda sat there watching, the difference was clear to Lucy. Natsu's squad was like family, you stood with there general. As for stings were not standing behind him, cause they knew it was true.

"Oh like you don't want that with heartfilia" that broke natsu, he punched sting, making him fly back and break one of the lunch table.

"Don't you EVER infer anything that isn't true!!! I AM NOT LIKE YOU!!!!" Natsu yelled while looking at him as he got back up, but when sting went to punch him he blocked it with his hand, making sting look at him shocked.

"I don't even know why you try" natsu said then punched him again, but this time in the gut, making him fall.

Lucy looked at sting slightly surprised then looked at natsu, the fact that he kept her safe and from what she might have lived to regret. That alone made lucy's heart beat, butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

"Natsu....." lucy mumbled light enough to where only natsu heard, he sighed seeing sting walk off with a glare in his eyes as he walked past natsu.

Natsu looked back at all his trainees, and smiled softly at all of them "thanks everyone now go to your training and heartfilia meet me at my bunker later" natsu told her then walked away.

Lucy looked at him, and nodded slightly as he walked away. She knew he was jealous, she knew full well cause he knew she wasn't his. Not yet..


Natsu was punching the punching bag that was at the gym, he was able to get it alone for an hour, and he was still pissed.

Just imagining if he didn't step in front of Lucy and sting, would she have went not knowing what his other plans were? Just thinking about it made him angry, beyond angry.


Natsu didn't turn around, he knew who was behind him, since they were alone in the gym thanks to gray.

"Why do you sit close to that prick" natsu asked while not looking at the blonde behind him.

Lucy looked at him then sighed, She didn't know the answer she would give except for the truthful one. Even though she wanted to tell him cause he saved her from possibly being a sex tape toy for sting.

"I...I just don't know where else to sit that's all" Lucy said, lying.

Natsu sighed then turned to look at her, he knew she was lying, he was good at telling lies from truth, but he knew it had to be a good reason. He sighed and walked up to her, unwrapping his hands.

"Well next time you sit with me and gray" natsu simply said then walked away as Lucy watched him walk out the gym bunker.


The difference in squads have been
Seen by Lucy and, natsu defended Lucy

Will that further solidify her feelings for him?
Will natsu and Lucy finally kiss?

Find out in
chapter 7: Once upon a night

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