17: weak used for strength

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heyyy minna!
I'm fully back! The two most updated stories will be this one, bullet of tears and the new story Ghost story!
That one will be completely different from what I normally do! So please go show that story some love like you've shown this one!
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Laying there, natsu sighed while sitting up, Lucy not in the bed next to him, today he had off, which made gajeel be in charge.

Natsu sighed while sitting up from the bed, he looked seeing the door open, showing his girlfriend with a plate of food. He smiled softly while watching her walk towards him.

"What's this?" He asked while keeping his eyes on her as she sat down and sat the plate on his lap.

"I just wanted to make you breakfast"

"Lucy it's nice but what's really wrong?" Natsu asked while looking at her

Lucy looked at him and sighed "you can always see through me..." Lucy mumbled then looked at him "I...want to join your squad again, I done applied and-"

"Lucy I done said, it's dangerous, if he has someone in my squad it could put you in danger" Natsu told her, interrupting her.

"I know it is, but I don't want to keep being scared of Dave and who ever he's working for, I won't let them stop me" Lucy told him.

Natsu sighed while looking at her, he could give her that, she is strong, but weak for Dave, since he was a big part of her life.

But Dave was like a cage for her, she kept being in one place, always looking behind her when she went out cause she was fearing him.

And she didn't want to be like that....

No more.

Natsu looked at her, knowing there was no way he would change her mind at all. But he couldn't help but worry, cause he didn't know who Dave had snuck into his squad, but he knew if she came back that she would be in danger.

"I know, you don't want me in danger, and I know that Dave is a weakness for me, but I can-"

"Could you kill him...." Natsu asked interrupting her.

That made lucy look at him, her eyes went wide. "What..."

Natsu looked at Lucy, serious look in his eyes "if I allow you to come back I need to know, could you kill him" he asked again, while keeping her eyes on Lucy

She then looked down. Could she really kill Dave, the man who killed her family, that was basically like her uncle, that helped her through so much. But she was being used by Dave, to get her off guard.

But the one question remind.....

Could she kill Dave.....

╳°»。 ∾・⁙・ ღ ➵ ⁘ ➵ ღ ・⁙・∾ 。«°╳

"Lu what are you doing here!? I thought you wasn't coming back" levy asked Lucy as she walked into the shooting range.

Lucy smiled lightly, happy to see her friend again after a month of not seeing her "well natsu didn't want me to, but I wanted to come back, you know me when I start something I finish it"

"I knew but-"

"Enough talking, get back to training, both of you!" The instructor yelled.

Lucy and levy looked at the instructor, seeing that it was gajeel made her slightly giggle inside at the face that he yelled at levy and knew she would never let him hear the end of it last night.

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