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Hey Minna
I'M BACK and I will be finishing this story and starting my longest story yet....So show that story the same love you do this one when it's out! It will be a lemon like 50 shades of gray with the concept,but different in the plot itself.


"Date?" Lucy asked while looking at natsu.

A week after the Minerva incident, natsu was always around when she was finished training. Though she didn't mind it rather she enjoyed spending that time with him, cause he was mostly busy since that incident.

"Yeah, I mean we haven't been out on a date so um I figured we could" natsu said while scratching the back of his head nervous.

Lucy giggled at how natsu was acting, seeing the change, he had that cold, serious look when she first seen him when she first got here. She seen him change, for the better.

"True we kinda just, jumped to the sex part" Lucy said while smiling. "Yeah, sounds like fun"

Natsu looked at her, smiling softly "great! Um I mean cool" he said trying not to act happy, making Lucy giggle lightly.

:∞♡*♡♡*♡∞ᵦᵤₗₗₑₜ ₒ𝒻 ₜₑₐᵣₛ∞♡*♡。.。:∞♡*♡

It was a free day today for all the trainees and today was there date, Lucy was nervous to say the least but excited. Getting ready though was difficult cause the days leading up to today natsu never told her if it was fancy or casual.

So she decided to just do casual with a fancy flare. White short dress with yellow flowers and white heels to match. She put her hair up in a bun then did her makeip very lightly.

"Never thought I'd wear heels while I was here..." Lucy mumbled lightly.

Walking to natsu's truck where he was waiting for her with a big smile on his face. Once he seen her his eyes lit up.

"You look beautiful..." He mumbled, when she was close enough.

Lucy smiled softly at him "well I had to Impervice since you didn't tell me if it was a fancy date or casual"

Natsu simply smirked at her "it's a surprise, just know you'll love it"

Lucy simply nodded slightly while looking at him, he walked over to the passenger to open the door for her.

"Such a gentleman" she said while smiling, getting in and sitting down in the passenger seat.

"I'm always a gentleman Lucy" he told her while smiling.

Once he closed the door he ran over to the drivers side, getting in making Lucy giggle and smile as closed the driver side door once he's in.

"Now let's have some fun" he said while smiling.

Lucy nodded slightly while smiling "yeah!"

Driving out of the bases parking lot, Lucy smiled. The last time she drove out of the parking lot, there was chaos and fear, but today it was happiness. It was almost like Dave wasn't in her life, trying to kill her and natsu, it almost felt like she was free even though she knew she wasn't.

:∞♡*♡♡*♡∞ᵦᵤₗₗₑₜ ₒ𝒻 ₜₑₐᵣₛ∞♡*♡。.。:∞♡*♡

Once they got there Lucy's eyes went wide with a smile on her face seeing where they were. An amusement park.

Lucy turned to look at him smiling "how did you know I love amusement parks?" She asked while smiling.

Natsu smiled softly while looking at her "I asked Levy, and she told me how much you talked about wanting to go to a amusement park"

Lucy smiled while looking at him "natsu...." Lucy mumbled lightly while smiling.

Lucy leaned over to his seat, kissing him lightly. Natsu smiled into the kiss while kissing her back. Once she pulled away she smiled softly "I love you"

Natsu smiled softly while looking at her "I love you to"

With that said they got out of his truck, starting to walk to the entrance. The rest of the day was fun and laughter from both sides. Stopping at the food, ordering soft prettzles and lemonad.

"This is the most fun I had in a while" she told him while smiling softly.

Natsu looked at her smiling as he took a bite of a prettzle "really?" He asked

"Yeah, my aunt would try but she was always so busy with work so mostly I was stuck at home" Lucy told him, remembering those times.

Natsu smiled softly while looking at her "well I'm glad your having fun, your smile is beautiful on a beautiful face"

Lucy blushed lightly as she sipped her lemonad and looked away, that smile though never left her face. She looked at him, smiling softly "what about your family"

Natsu froze and sighed, like be doesn't want to talk about it "my father he was loving but, very strict about how he wanted me to live my life" he told her with sadness in his eyes, Lucy reached out to hold his hand..

Natsu sighed while looking at her "once my mother passed when I was five, he got more strict, my brother zeref took over his business as for me I left with my step sisters moms" he told her.

Lucy looked at him hearing how his life was so different then her life, but it surprised her at how he was, a gentleman that was gentle with her and loving.

"And you've overcome that" Lucy told him while smiling softly.

Natsu looked at her and nodded slightly while smiling "I don't talk to my father and brother at all, they don't know where I am or what I'm doing for work" he told her. "Or that I'm happily dating a beautiful woman that is also my trainee"

Lucy blushing at what he said, she then smiled at him as she held his hand, his thump rubbing against her hand. He smiled at her, they were enjoying there gazes, and talking about anything that came to there minds. That was until there was sirens how off, making everyone turn there heads seeing everyone run towards the exit.

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