16: Back at it

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Hi Hi Minna!!
Looks what's back! Here it is!
This story is far from over, but now it'll be more interesting, and you'll find out why that is in this chapter and the next one
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Walking inside natsu home, Lucy looked around the unknown place. Her fingers sliding over the furniture he had into the living room, a black leather couch, and a comfortable black small couch a matching in tables, tv stand, and a 65 inch tv.

"It's pretty small, but it's always been just me here" natsu told her while standing in the door way, with the door closed.

Lucy turned to look at him, then smiled softly while looking around. "Well that sounds boring, being alone all the time"

"It is sometimes, but I'm normally at the base, so I'm barley here" he told her, while walking up to her.

Lucy kept her eyes on him, keeping the soft smile on her face "laxus is having someone in front of the house, to watch and make sure he doesn't come in here" natsu told her.

That made that smile fade, and her head look down at the floor. She didn't know what is endgame was, or what he was after. But he did know that he wanted to kill her, and all those years, he was keeping tabs on her, so he could get a chance to kill her.

Natsu looked at her then sighed softly. He got closer to her, sitting his hand on her cheek, making her look up at him

"I know your worried but you don't have to, I'll protect you"

Lucy looked at natsu and nodded slightly while looking at him "I know you will..." She told him, making him smile softly at her.


"Do you have to go back?" Lucy asked while looking at natsu as he grabbed his bag.

He looked at her and nodded slightly, after a month of being there with Lucy was bliss for them, even though the worry of Dave was always on her mind, she didn't let it ruin there moments.

"Yea I have to go back to the base, but laxus will be staying outside so nothing will happen" natsu told her, trying to reassure her.

But it didn't work, at all....

"But what if he-"

"He won't Lucy I'll be back tonight ok" he interrupted her making her nod slightly.

He knew she was worried, and he couldn't really blame her. The man that killed her parents, murdered two others was after her and him.

"Just...be careful ok" she told him, making natsu look at his blonde and smiled softly.


You know I will be Lucy I'll see you tonight" natsu told her with her signature grin.

That made her feel ten times better, even though the worry was still there, the worry of Dave coming after her and actually getting what he wants.

Her dead...

Seeing natsu walk out the front door, Lucy ended up just watching TV, she gave up on military, cause she was worried cause she knew that people knew and that they would talk if she stayed, but she did apply for the police academy, was waiting for a response

And she knew Dave had someone in the military...but who?


Natsu sighed once he got out of his truck, seeing the bunkers for the first time since that night. He sighed while walking back to his bunker, seeing the trainees come back.

Makrove gave everyone a month off, since that incident with Dave gray was off for longer cause he was injured, for a year. As a replacement he had gajeel next to him, he was still a trainee but he was strong, very strong.

Seeing the trainees coming in made him sigh, his eyes landed on Minerva, she was one he didn't exactly like cause he knew she hated Lucy.

Hated her without any reasoning.

"Welcome to squad 235!"


Natsu sighed while walking into his home after a long day at the base, he had his hands full, cause of course the relationship with Lucy went around, no one from his squad had a problem. No they supported him, congratulated him but one didn't, Minerva, of course he knew she was going to be a problem.

He closed the door, smelling fried chicken, and seen the place clean, which it was but not this clean.

"Your back!" Lucy said in the kitchen while smiling.

That smile made him smile "yeah, sorry for being late, you know how they can be"

"Yeah, how's levy doing?" Lucy asked while finishing up cooking dinner.

Natsu smiled while walking up to her, wrapping her arms around her waist "she's good, worried about you of course"

"Of course she is, that's levy for ya, how's gray..." She asked, she remembered him being shot, trying to keep her safe.

Natsu sighed while grabbing plates, making Lucy already miss his warmth. "He's fine, went to see him before I came here, he says he relieved to hear your safe"

Lucy looked at her new boyfriend and giggled, seeing him jealous was cute to her "what you jealous natsu"

Natsu pouted while looking away "no, why would I"

Lucy laughed while smiling. While eating they joked around and smiled, they seemed happy, almost like they weren't being hunted down by a madman.

But that happiness would soon be gone....


"So did you find them?" Mystery man asked though the phone

"Not yet I lost him, but I will don't you worry, you'll get what you want and I'll get what I want" she told him through the phone, making mystery man smirk on the other end of the phone

"Good I'll be waiting Minerva" he said while smirking then hung up.

She smirked while staying in her car, seeing where she was, in the middle of nowhere "I'll get you Lucy heartfilia Dave...don't you worry" she mumbled while smirking, then dove off.

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