8: Truth

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Hi Hi Minna!!
This will be the one that'll be updated
I'll be writing this and the bad boy Tuesday cause I'll be off work all day Tuesday. But tomorrow I will be updating the bad boy!

The song we are warriors that is sung and written by Avril Lavigne this fights Lucy perfectly and her story, let's just say, the title says it all


When his lips meet hers, it was like a spark lit inside of him, like it felt right at that moment. His arms snaked around her waist, pulling her close to him as her arms stayed around his neck. She honestly melted once his lips met hers, but once she felt his tongue graze her lips she didn't know what to do, should she let him claim her as his? She ended up opening his mouth slightly, letting his tongue slide into her lips. She hummed lightly, keeping her arms around her neck, running her fingers through her hair.

She knew they were outside still, so someone could come around and see them, and she didn't want to ruin his reputation cause they had feelings for each other. Lucy pulled away, only thing attaching them was a string of saliva, natsu looked at her breathing slightly heavily as was she.

"Luce...." Natsu mumbled while looking at her, he didn't want to show it, cause he didn't want to push her away. But he was needy.

Lucy looked at him breathing slightly heavily with blush on her cheeks, she was complicating on letting him, she knew that if she did, she would have no chance on going back. But the only thing was stopping her was sting...

Being in a relationship could make them a target, and having sex could risk her getting pregnant. That could be dangerous, and she didn't want there kid to go through what she went through.

"You um wanna come inside?" Natsu asked, making Lucy snap out of her head and looked at him, seeing him blushing slightly.

That made her smile, keeping her hands where they were, through his salmon pink hair "you know I want to, but I just, not ready for sex I have a lot on my mind...."

"We don't have to have sex Luce, just, come in it honestly, empty by myself" natsu said while looking at her. In all honesty, he just wanted her to himself, for the night.

Lucy looked at natsu and sighed then smiled "fine I'll stay here with you tonight"

Natsu smiled and picked her up bridal style and walked into his bunker, closing the door with his foot. This just made Lucy giggle, she didn't stop smiling. Natsu felt like he won a championship, and Lucy was his trophy, but he knew she was much more than that. She was a strong independent woman...

Once natsu laid Lucy on her bed he smiled looking at her, even though they wasn't going to have sex just to have her in his bunker, in his bed was a win.
Natsu laid down next to her, as Lucy looked around, she noticed how little he had in his bunker, no pictures of family, or any past relationships, just a bed, dresser, in tables and a light above them.

"There's no, pictures of your family..." Lucy said while turning to look at him. Seeing him looking at her and sighed.

"Cause I'm not that close to them, my old man, and my brother and gang members, drug addicts so yeah" natsu told her, making Lucy looked at him slightly surprised then snuggled close to him, making natsu looked down at her and smiled softly, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, holding her close.

"What about your family" natsu asked while looking down at her. She has never talked about her family, and natsu was curious.

Lucy looked up at his slightly then sighed "they died when I was little...." Lucy mumbled while looking down.

Natsu looked at her and held her closer to him, her body pressed against his making Lucy look up at him slightly.

"Sorry I asked...."

Lucy looked at him and smiled softly, she then looked down, she didn't want to lie to him, not anymore cause she was fallen to deep in love with him.

"It's fine, but when you told me you don't care that I'm here for another reason...." Lucy said while looking at the bunker wall.

Natsu looked down at her slightly and nodded slightly "yeah, what about that"

"I really want to be here, do the army but...I am here for another reason....to help someone"

Natsu looked down at her confused "help someone?" Natsu asked while looking down at her.

Lucy looked at him and sighed "my parents were killed...and the detective that is investigating there murder and others think, sting did it...so they sent me to investigate him"

Natsu looked at her then sighed, he knew sting had a bad vibes around him, he knew that vibe all to well. But sting a killer was never one of them, but his advances towards Lucy and he knows,

Every one is capable of murder...

Natsu sighed while looking at his bunker wall, making Lucy look up at him slightly.

"I knew something was up, you sitting next to him and everything, but I don't like you getting close to him, he's a pervert" natsu said while looking down at her slightly.

Lucy just sighed while looking at him, he was very overprotective over who he's close to, even more towards Lucy, cause he loves her.


"I'll look into him" natsu said, interrupting her, making Lucy sit up slightly and looked at him surprised.

"You'd do that....for me" Lucy asked, while looking at him "I don't want you to think I'm telling you this"

Natsu looked at her and smiled softly, his hand on her back, touching her white tank top she had on.

"I'm not thinking that Luce, I will do anything to you and I can get places and information no one can get cause I'm a general" natsu told her while smiling softly.

Lucy looked at natsu surprised then smiled softly, the fact that he was going to do this for her. That alone made her happy, beyond happy.

She leaned down, closing her eyes and kissed him lightly, natsu simply smiled while kissing her back. Pulling away Lucy laid back down, her head on his chest that still had his white shirt that was under his uniform on.

"Thank you natsu..." Lucy mumbled before falling to sleep. Natsu smiled softly seeing her asleep and fell asleep.

Asleep with Lucy in his arms.


Now that natsu knows why Lucy is truly here, apart from actually wanting to be in the army.

Will natsu find anything?
Or will it be a dead end?

Find out in
Chapter 9: Search

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