18: The mole

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Heyyy minna!!
I'm back from the dead!
I'll be slowly updating this story
I know this story is one of the popular ones here so this is the one I'll be mainly working on this one a lot, trying to finish it this year!

The morning horns rung through the bunker walls. It was something new they added when Lucy was gone, that way no one missed breakfast.

Natsu woke up with Lucy not in his arms, making him slightly worried, but seen her walk in with what he normally ate, spicy breakfast sandwich. Made him sigh with relief.

Lucy noticed him and how he was worked up and sighed "I'm sorry I was so used to getting you breakfast..." Lucy mumbles lightly.

Natsu looked at her, seeing her in his white t-shirt and her army pants. When he heard Lucy giggle he snapped out of it, making him look at her chocolate brown eyes.

"Your staring natsu" she told him while keeping the smile on her face

"Well when a beautiful girl is wearing my shirt, how can I not stare" natsu responded to her, as he sat up from his bed.

Him being shirtless was a normal for her to see, not from sex even though they did have sex often while they were alone at his house for a month. But from the fact that he slept like that, so she got used to seeing him shirtless.

"Uh huh, well I could be shirtless but It probably wouldn't help much, besides its time for you to get dressed and I have to get to my gun classes, Mira says I have a lot to catch up on" Lucy told him while smiling softly.

He nodded slightly and got up from the bed and walked up to her, grabbing his shirt that was next to her, since she was by the dresser. Though he did sneak her a kiss on the cheek, making her giggle lightly. Natsu had his romantic side to him, and a goofy side even though he didn't really show it much.

"Ok well you get going, before Mira gets here and I never hear the end of it, and thanks for the breakfast" he said then gave her a light kiss on the lips.

At that moment Mira walked in, making natsu nervous and Lucy giggle at natsu's behavior. He loved Mira like his sister, but she did scare him when she was mad at him.

"Natsu etherious dragneel, stop distracting her and let her get to class" mira told natsu.

"Y-yes ma'am!" Natsu exclaimed scared.

That made Lucy laughed at how natsu was behaving, she knew he was scared of Mira but not like this. If anyone would have seen this, they would think that Mira was the Capitan.

Walking out of the bunker, natsu told her one thing that she loved to hear everyday.

"I love you"


All day was Lucy catching up on her gun training, her aim still needed work but it was improving, she hit mostly chest shots. Which was a far cry better than when she first started a couple of months ago.

Being so persistent, mira did agree to let her stay over, to keep practicing with her supervision, cause they both knew natsu wouldn't allow it without mira there.

Especially with the danger she was still in...

"Thanks again mira, for letting me stay over"

"No problem, it's nice to have a trainee so willing to improve there aim" mira told her, while smiling softly "so levy seems happy to have you back"

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