9: Search

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Hi Hi minna
I'll be writing this one today instead of the bad boy, since that one is about over, and this one has only just begun :) and it hasn't even gotten good , the best of this story is yet to come.

The song Break Us that is sung and written by HalaCg, this'll fit everything that'll happen going forward,Lucy's feelings towards a certain someone...
just look at it from a logical sense, why is a certain someone so focused on lucy's parents murder case?

The next morning, the sunlight was shining into the bunker where natsu and Lucy were sleeping. Natsu holding Lucy close to him, with a smile on both of there faces. But it was past breakfast, around 9:30 in the morning, the latest Lucy has slept in a very, very long time.

Gray, having the key to natsu's bunker unlocked his door and walked in "hey idiot time to-" he stopped when he seen Lucy in his bed. That made his sigh and smile, he was happy for his friend, that he finally told her and that he allowed himself to love again, after his last breakup.

Natsu groaned hearing gray walk in, making him wake up and look at him "what the hell do you want gray" natsu whispered, knowing he had Lucy in his arms asleep.

Gray sighed and looked at him "the obstacle course is today, and you need to be there along with Lucy" he told them then walked out. Closing the door behind him.

Natsu sighed then looked down at the blonde that was laying her head on his covered chest. He smiled softly, remembering last night, the kiss, them showing there love even though it didn't get Intimate.

He now knew the reason for that, the fear of putting a child in danger along with them. Even though he wanted to have sex, he didn't push her, he couldn't. He wasn't sting....

"Luce wakey wakey" natsu whispered to her, making her hum lightly.

Natsu chuckled while looking at her, seeing her slightly wake up and looked up at him, smiling softly.

"Morning" natsu said while smiling.

Lucy smiled then laid her head back on his chest, she heard gray when he told natsu to get up, but she wanted to stay like this, even if it was for a moment.

"I haven't slept this late in a long while" Lucy told him while smiling, making natsu play with her blonde hair smiling.

"Really well you can always, sleep in here with me for now on" natsu said, making Lucy look up at him.

She wanted to say yes, natsu was so warm, she wanted it to be like this every night. She also knew a lot of girls would notice, and think natsu was only fighting sting out of jealousy.

"I want to natsu, but the other girls will think you only fought sting because you were jealous" Lucy told natsu, making him look at her and sigh.

He knew she was right, but he honestly didn't really care about his reputation, he never has and he wasn't going to change now.

"I don't give a crap what those women think about me, I only care about what you think of me Luce, that's all I care about" natsu told her making her smile softly.

Lucy got up from the bed, making him sit up and look at her "if that's the case then I have no reason to say no" Lucy said while smiling at him.

Natsu smiled and got up putting his boots on "you stay, I'll tell gray you'll be running a little bit late, and I'll snoop around stings office"

Lucy looked at him and nodded slightly while smiling slightly. Once natsu walked out Lucy sat back down, seeing text from Dave. She looked at them and her eyes went wide seeing his text along with the photos.

From Dave:
He struck again, but this time he seemed angry and didn't leave the child alive....

The pictures of the crime scene that was shown to Lucy, that made her sick, she ended up running out natsu's bunker, and threw all the food she had in her stomach up.

Mira walked by, seeing Lucy throwing up made her run towards her, making Lucy looked at her with the corner of her eyes.

"Mira...." Lucy mumbled, feeling tired and dizzy from not eating breakfast and just throwing up all the food she had, along with stomach acid.

"You ok Lucy?" Mira asked concerned. Lucy looked at her then fell to her knees making Mira run by her side, holding her up. "Hey let's get you inside ok"

Lucy nodded slightly and tried getting up, with mira's help and laid back down on natsu's bed. Mira looked at her seeing her fall asleep soon after lying down. Mira soon ran out and ran towards natsu. Who was standing next to gray while the trainees where on the obstacle course.

Natsu turned to look at Mira confused "Mira, shouldn't you be checking to see if Wendy needs any supplies"

"I was but, it's Lucy..." Mira said while looking at them.

That made natsu shocked while looking at Mira, worried that something has happened, that sting got to her. "What about Luce, is she ok" natsu asked while looking at her.

Mira looked at him and sighed "I don't know, she threw up and passed out..."

Natsu then looked at gray, hearing what has happened gray sighed and nodded "I'll take care of this" gray said while looking at him.

Natsu nodded and ran to his bunker, he walked in seeing Lucy passed out, he sighed and sat down in the bed next to her. Holding her hand. He looked and seen her phone on with the crime scene pictures and the text, he looked at it shocked but found it strange.

Why would anyone show this to there undercover person, unless they were in it. Being that natsu seen a crime scene, seen death. He didn't see the tape that they put on crime scenes. Like it was taken before anyone was there.

That seemed strange to him.


Natsu seems to think Dave is the killer aside from Dave saying sting did it, reason why Lucy is there

Will Lucy believe natsu's questioning?

And will then being now in this together and there feelings get in the way of her goal?

Find out in
Chapter 10: Reasoning

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