20: Salvation?

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Heyyy minaa
This will be the last chapter...Lord this story has been a blast and I want to thank you all for the love and waiting for me to finally hit the complete button on here! There will be a squal to this story more on that soon!
:∞♡*♡♡*♡∞ᵦᵤₗₗₑₜ ₒ𝒻 ₜₑₐᵣₛ∞♡*♡。.。:∞♡*♡

sirens how off, making everyone turn there heads seeing everyone run towards the exit. Natsu instantly got up a long with natsu, he looked at her "get to the truck, start it up"

Lucy looked at him slightly surprised "but what about you"

Natsu looked at her "I'll be fine, I have to make sure people are ok, now go" he told her.

Much to her dismay she followed his orders, running to the truck when Dave stood there, making Lucy stop shocked.

Dave simply smirked as people ran past him scared, and screaming  "finally I get you alone"

Lucy slowly backed up as Dave walked closed to her, with the knife he used to kill in his hands. Fear was in her eyes while in Dave's, there was pure desire to kill.....

"Your nothing like the man I admired!" Lucy yelled then started running back towards the park.

Dave smirked while chasing her, he was faster then her that was from years of experience. Once he tackled Lucy he tried plunging the knife into her chest, but she fought him off, pushing the knife that was getting closer to her skin away from her.

"Just die!!!" Dave yelled in anger

Lucy fought him until he simply stabbed her in the arm, making Lucy scream in pain. Dave smirked while seeing the pain on her face, and blood run down her arm.

"Now you can't do much fighting" Dave said while smirking.

He moved his arm up that held the knife when shot rung out, hitting his arm making Dave scream in pain. Lucy opened her eyes to see who it was, seeing natsu holding the gun.

"Natsu!" She yelled while smiling

Dave looked at him smirking as he got off of Lucy "you want to die dragneel, then I'll kill two birds with one stone"

Natsu kept the gun aimed at him "what are you talking about" natsu asked as lucy got up in pain and ran to him, holding her bleeding arm. Once she got behind him, natsu's eyes never left Dave.

"You have a price on your head dragneel and I don't have to tell you anything" Dave told him while smirking.

Natsu glared at him as he shot his shoulder of the arm he already shot making Dave scream in pain "Talk NOW!" Natsu yelled

Dave laughed like he was crazy, enjoying the pain "the good boy of the family isn't wanted" Dave simply told him while smirking.

Natsu and Lucy's eyes went wide, when natsu heard that he knew exactly who would have a price over his head, and he also knew Lucy would be caught in the cross fires if she stayed with him.

Once the police got there along with laxus Dave smirked while looking at everyone, then looked at Lucy  "enjoy the show" Dave simply said..

He then ran towards laxus with the knife, making all the police shoot Dave. Lucy looked away natsu got a shot in him before he put his gun away and hugged Lucy that was in pain.

Once the shooting stopped, Dave fell down on the floor, dead with 20 shots in him. Lucy looked at him slightly as natsu held her close.

:∞♡*♡♡*♡∞ᵦᵤₗₗₑₜ ₒ𝒻 ₜₑₐᵣₛ∞♡*♡。.。:∞♡*♡

The EMTs took everyone that was injured to the hospital as for the rest, they were questioned about what happened.

Lucy was taken to the hospital, natsu never left her side making Lucy giggle at his actions "natsu I'm fine"

Natsu looked at her "he could have killed you"

"But he didn't..." Lucy told him while smiling softly.

Natsu though didn't smile back, but looked away making Lucy look at him, she held his hand as they nurse wrapped her arm.

The nurse looked at them "we only found the stab wound in the arm, though he did barely hit the skin on her chest, it won't leave a mark well keep you here for the night but you should be good to get discharged tomorrow" the nurse told them then left

Lucy looked at natsu seeing his conflicted looked on his face "what's wrong..."

Natsu looked at her and sighed "my brother, wants me dead, probably cause my father doesn't like that I ain't doing his dirty work" natsu told her.

Lucy looked at him slightly surprised "well get through it-"

"No Lucy you don't know my brother and father, they ain't like dave!" Natsu yelled at her.

Lucy's looked at him shocked, her hand not leaving his, the general she was under, and heard so many stories about how he doesn't care.

He was like a scared kid, scared that he'd lose his favorite thing. Lucy looked at him "still, we'll get through it....together" she told him

"My brother is merciless when you get in his way, you are taken out" natsu told her.

Lucy looked at him and smiled "well sucks to be him, I'm a perfect shot thanks to Mira"

Natsu shook his head, getting that smile back that she missed seeing. He then held her hand the rest of the day, nurses coming in and out to change her bandages. Mira and the others heard and came running, Lucy smiled at a them, Mira and Levy hugging her making sure she was ok, and gajeel talked to natsu

"The old man said your discharge is finalized, if I may ask, whats next for you?" Gajeel asked while looking at him

Natsu looked at him then looked at Lucy smiling and laughing with the girls "taking care of her and I think working for laxus won't be so bad, will be home more"

Gajeel nodded slightly "take care, you need anything, give me a call"

Natsu looked at him and nodded slightly, once gajeel walked back inside Lucy's room, natsu looked through the glass on the door, seeing a smiling and happy Lucy.

"I'll keep you safe....." Natsu mumbled lightly while smiling.

He then walked back inside, and into a whole new life. But what he didn't know is what lied ahead....

:∞♡*♡♡*♡∞ᵦᵤₗₗₑₜ ₒ𝒻 ₜₑₐᵣₛ∞♡*♡。.。:∞♡*♡

"Boss Dave is dead"

The mystery man sighed "of course he is that idiot, what about our replacement"

The man looked at him and nodded slightly "she's ready to start when you are boss, we have people breaking her out as we speak"

The mystery man smirked while sitting in his office chair "great, make sure everything goes smoothly"

"Yes boss!" He yelled then walked away.

The mystery man smirked while looking at the dart board with natsu's face on it, darts on his face "soon little brother you'll be no more along with your little girlfriend you got" he said to himself while smirking

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