im in love with you, dude

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eddie wasn't one to be extremely confident about...anything, really, this including how other people perceived him. he could never even begin to grasp the idea that the one and only (this being you, of course) saw him as more than just friends, which is what he thought he'd always be to you. poor thing, couldn't be farther from the truth.

truth being; there was never anyone else, there would never be anyone else than eddie munson to you. the way his head tilts back when he laughs really hard, the way he played with his rings when nervous or anxious, how he (secretly) cares about every single one of his friends, specially "the little shrimp" as he calls dustin, the way he pours his soul into being the dungeon master,the passion behind his eyes when he plays guitar. generally, anything about him, god...the man he was.

and unfortunately for you, he only saw you as a friend, and he left that very clear.

one particular day, hanging out in his van before class, like you usually did, he told you "it's nice to have you as a friend, it's're more a dude friend than a girl friend you know? it's just so easy to talk to you." okay, ouch.

'what the fuck did i just say?' he questioned himself right after that 'heartfelt' comment. because that couldn't be farther from the truth. but was he supposed to say "i am comfortable talking to you because you're the only person that gets me and i wanna be with you"? no.

so yeah, there's that.

you did absolutely everything in your power not to have a crush on him, to realize nothing could ever happen, yet that just didn't happen, delusions happen and we are not ones to ignore them.

"there's this party i wanna go to, care to join?" you ask your 'friend' in the van before class as per usual. he didn't like to go to parties, but you being you, he'd say yes to everything.
"uhm...sure, when?" "today, 8 p.m. do you think you could pick me up?" "yeah, sure."

8 p.m comes around rather quickly, and after spending at least half an hour getting ready, you were happy with the way you looked. you hear two honks from inside your house, indicating eddie was there to pick you up. right on time, nice.

you walk out of the house, saying goodbye to your parents and walking towards eddie's van, which was blasting metal music, as per usual.

not that he could hear it, though. not when you had walked out of the house looking so fucking gorgeous he thought maybe he'd heard wrong, maybe it wasn't just a party, maybe it was an important event, because the way you looked, sure made it seem like that.

you hop in and greet him. eddie wanting nothing else but to tell you to abandon the idea of going to the party and taking you to a really elegant restaurant, like you deserved. yet he doesn't. the drive to the party was full of updates from your school day, but eddie couldn't seem to focus on your words, because, really, you

arriving at the party, he jokingly told you he would get hammered, but now, clear as day, he was not joking. good thing you knew how to drive.

you had a great time, chatting with some friends from your classes, including this one guy from history class, eric, that seemed way too drunk to properly stand on his feet, instead, deciding to put all of his body weight on your shoulders, quite literally. he was sweet, a nice friend too, so that's why you didn't try to push him away or anything, instead, laughing at his unfunny jokes, cause you knew he was just drunk, and either way, his girlfriend was there with him, god knows where, but also there.

but of course eddie didn't know that. the only things he knew were:
1. there was a guy with his hands all over you — it was just your shoulders, but alright —.
2. you were laughing at whatever this drunk idiot was saying.
3. you'd spent way to much time for his liking with him.

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