you belong with me

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"you're so annoying, you're in my head 24/7, the worst part is; there's absolutely nothing i want to do about it. i love your laugh, i love the way you talk, i love your big doe brown eyes and those pretty lashes, i love your crazy and messy hair, there's nothing i'd love more than to run my fingers through it. i can't stand knowing you don't know how much i would give to be with you, i've been here all along, so why can't you see you belong with me?"

eddie was, for lack of a better word, flabbergasted. when he opened his locker and that letter flew to the floor, the first thing he thought was 'this is definitively a joke.' he looked around the hallway, searching for jocks or cheerleaders and expected to see them laughing at him, for even thinking it was real. but nothing, no one was there, not a single jock or cheerleader looked his way, as per usual.

he held onto the letter, reading and re-reading it to look for clues, was this gareth or jeff's doing? even dustin? a bad joke?

"anyone want to explain themselves?" he asked his friends, one hand grabbing the letter, the other one on his hip. "explain what?" gareth spoke with food on his mouth. "this!" eddie shook the letter. "what's that?" jeff chimed in. "do not play dumb." eddie shook his head. "what is that?" gareth spoke again, still chewing.

eddie rolled his eyes, completely unconvinced nobody knew what he was talking about. he began reading the letter, expecting laughter to erupt from the guys at his table. nevertheless, they all listened carefully to his words. "so?" he asks again. the guys were uncertain what to say, mostly because they were kind of afraid of eddie.
"jesus christ, you've got yourself an admirer!" the youngest one at the table, dustin, breaks the silence, making everyone chuckle and join in with a few "yeah!" and "who is it from?"

"shut up!" eddie yells. "you're telling me this wasn't you?" he says, showing the letter to the guys in front of him. "dude, i could never write something like that! not even for lyrics!" gareth answers. "and that handwriting is clearly from a girl, look, she even dotted the i's with little hearts!" jeff adds, making everyone "aw" with sarcasm. "hold on, i think i know whose it from..." dustin says, leaving everyone in suspense while he reaches for a notebook in his backpack. he grabs the note and compares it in silence, everyone looking expectantly at him. "shit. it's my sister's handwriting!" he nods as he realizes that was your handwriting. everyone erupts with "what!" "how could it be from her?" "does she even know you?"

little did they know. you and eddie had had...what someone could describe as a summer fling.
dustin's friends always joked about him introducing you to them, but one particular school night, after a d&d game, you couldn't go pick him up, so he asked eddie for a ride, that's when it all started. meeting him, like, actually talking to him, was a surprise to you, how could anyone hate those big brown eyes? sure, he looked mean and scary with his black ripped jeans, chain dangling from them, handkerchief hanging from the back pocket, hellfire t-shirt and black leather jacket, but that was barely scratching the surface of eddie munson. after dustin rushed to his room, to talk to suzie, not even bothering to properly say goodbye to his friend, you let him in. not sure why, but he sparked something in you.

from there, it was downfall. sneaking into your bedroom every night, long nights of late night talking and simply enjoying each others company, you agreed to never tell dustin, or anyone for that matter.

not that you cared about being seen with him, but he did, and that hurt. you also agreed that whatever that was, would end by the beginning of the new school year. but truth was, you couldn't stop thinking about him, everything about him was intriguing to you, he had a complex personality and that left you wanting more. more enough to write him a letter, it didn't matter that he didn't reciprocate the feelings, it didn't matter that dustin found out, you wanted him to know and that was enough for you... so, after deciding moping around about him would get you nowhere, you put that letter on his locker about 2 months into the school year. took you long enough. unfortunately...because you'd had that letter on your desk for quite a while, you forgot to sign it.

"oh, fuck." that's all eddie had to say, everyone quieting down, expecting a reaction from him. "my sister?" dustin asks. "have you even spoke to her?" he was undeniably, surprised, more angry than surprised, truthfully. how could he not know his own sister had a crush—no, was in love with his friend? "i—i thought she..." he begins, thinking out loud. "she didn't want anything serious with me." "what?! did you two like...have a one night stand or something?!" dustin spoke again, clearly grossed out by that thought. everyone else was listening like it was a TV show, turning their heads to whoever was speaking, unwilling to say a word. "no! it's not like that. we never—" "okay, that's enough!" dustin ends the conversation by standing up, everyone else following his movements carefully, looking amongst themselves as if that was the greatest piece of entertainment they'd ever seen. dustin was still holding on to the love letter, setting his mind on finding you. eddie following him like a lost puppy, trying not to make a big fuss out of this. which, evidently, already was.

"henderson! henders—" eddie tries to stop him to no avail, the kid was walking at a fast speed, determined to find you. dustin reasonated, he had no right to scold you about who you like, but there was no turning back, he was angry none of you told him, but that was a problem for another time. "you know what? you do this yourself!" dustin shoves the letter to eddie's chest, then walking away from him.

you were, probably five feet away from them, fully aware of what was happening, when you heard eddie say your last name, you turned around, which meant you presenced everything. shit, was he upset? did he come to tell you to stay away from him? you weren't sure you could survive knowing he was mad at you. dustin, well, you knew your little brother was dramatic, you knew he'd forgive you once you explained everything, so his very dramatic and angry strut was a problem for another time.

"h-hey, can we talk?" eddie asks as soon as he reaches your table, unsure of what he was going to say to you. you saw the letter on his hand, this could not be good. you excused yourself from your friends, them giving you weird glances as to why you were talking to him. "y-yeah, sure."

as soon as you were out in the hallway, no one around, he cleared his throat. " wrote this?" he asks. 'who else?' you thought to yourself, was there someone else? shit. "yeah. i did...and i am very sorry if it made you uncomfortable, i just—" "it didn't, believe me." he smiles softly at you, "i just, i was surprised. i didn't think you'd want something, you know, serious with me." eddie confesses. "well, now you do. i can't believe it took me so long to tell you. i can't stand being so close to you and you not knowing how i feel. summer was...amazing, eddie. i want to get to know you, i want to be with you." you confess as well, aware of the adoring look he was giving you. "jesus christ, if we weren't at school i'd kiss—" you interrupt, doing exactly what he said he'd do. not caring a single fuck if any teacher or student saw you. it was, tender, sweet, soft. everything you remembered it was, but better. you took notice of the way his hands flew to your cheeks, like he used to do over the summer, smiling against his lips, you placed a quick peck as to not let it get too much for you, in the good way.

"i want to be with you as well. i don't want to hide, i was afraid you'd want nothing to do with me, but i'm glad i was wrong." he speaks. "so, so wrong." you confirm. embracing him like you'd never done, because you were afraid it would be too sweet for a 'summer fling' but not anymore. he kissed your forehead and held you in place for what seemed to be a long time. this was nice. "we have to tell dustin." he spoke against your head, rocking you from side to side. "he'll live." you answer.

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