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a/n: this is simply modern!eddie bc i don't have enough energy to look up what they used to record in the 80's sorry...

eddie let out a groan of frustration, he kept trying and trying but to no avail, this, made you turn around. "what's the matter?" you ask him. "this stupid song! i can't seem to learn it." he complains as takes his guitar off his chest. "you should record yourself, i've heard it helps when you see your mistakes." you advice him, making him turn around rather comically at the double-entendre of the sentence, making you laugh. "not that mistakes." you roll your eyes. "'re saying i do make mistakes?" he puts his hand to his chest, feigning to be offended. you know not to keep this little game up, he'd always find something to be fake-offended at, which is why you shake your head and begin to look for your phone on his bed, still laying down.

you start to record him, expecting him to just begin playing that song, instead, he grabs the phone from your hands. he points the camera at you and says; "here's my beautiful wife. say something honey." he says as if that's a fact, you were aware of how sometimes he called you his wife, jokingly, but still. small comments such as 'gotta get home to the wife!' or 'can't do today, the wife and i have a date' when excusing himself with his friends, which always, without fail, left your heart fluttering. you simply said hi to the camera, unsure of who he was pretending to talk to.

"kids, this is your mom and i, back when she loved me and i wasn't bald!" he pointed the camera at the both of you. your heart nearly stopping at the word 'kids.' plural, for that matter. you stare at him dumbfoundedly, and he immediately takes notice of this and stops recording. "was kidding." he lets out an awkward laugh as he sees you staring at him like he'd just confessed to a murder or some shit like that. "y-you want kids?" you ask him, not knowing if he was actually joking. "i mean...some time in the future, yeah." he confesses. "with—with me?" you ask again. he lets out another awkward laugh. "sweetie, with who else?" he begins to worry he might've said something wrong, but his doubts are immediately quieted down with your adoring gaze. "oh my god! you want kids with me?" you ask him yet again, more trying to convince yourself than him. you properly sit on his bed to pull him for an embrace, his body melting right into yours.

"do you not want kids? cause that's totally—" he asks you, doubt was evident in his voice. "i do! i do want kids with you." you reassure him and he tightens the hug. "i want a girl and i want her to be named gia." you tell him as you end your embrace. "yes ma'am." he jokingly salutes, his body fully relaxed, now that he knew you were on the same page. "and a boy, but not to far apart, maybe a 3 or 4 year gap because then they won't be friends." you think out loud, fully aware that eddie was listening to what your long-life dream of kids were. "and for a name?" he asks, his eyes reflect softness, sweetness. "you can't leave me all the work! you should think a name." "alright, i promise i'll think about it." he says. without a doubt, this was the happiest he'd ever been.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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