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• he's been called eddie his whole life, it's just so him and he likes it bc he thinks it's a pretty badass nickname.
• almost doesn't know they're talking to him when they call him edward, he's like "who? me?" even the teachers (the ones that like him) call him eddie, the rest just by his last name.
• FRECKLES!!! all over his body!!!
• he's the most cat person you'll ever see, it's not that he doesn't like dogs but cats are more him.
• he laughs at almost everything, especially when he's sleepy (or high).
• he's friends with the kids and people his age at the trailer park, their parents don't like it though.
• favorite tv show is scooby doo, i don't make the rules.
• absolutely despises hot weather.
• his guitar's name is diane, idk it just makes sense.
• he thinks he bought diane with his own money (his uncle kept putting 20s and 50s into the 'guitar jar' in his room).
• he didn't mean to grow his hair out, it just happened and once it was too long he was like "oh this looks cool".
• doesn't like to have his hair up, it makes him less cool, he thinks.
• hates sneezing.
• every single time he sees himself in the mirror he flexes.
• for some unknown reason he always just has to say when he has to go to the bathroom, it could all be quiet and he'll just go "man i gotta take a shit".
• he tried to pierce his ear, but the moment it got too painful he just said "nope" and never tried again.
• favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip
(this may be bc joe said this was his favorite but who cares).
• no matter what he eats, he always gets a stain on his t-shirt and doesn't even know how it happened.
• he wore braces for like 4 years, always 'forgot' to go to the dentist. if you ask him for photos he'll just say there aren't any.
• always talks with his hands.
• has terrible posture.
• spaces out constantly, he could be lost in thought and won't hear if you say his name.
• he's one of those people to yell "look! cows!" during a road trip.
• needs glasses but won't get them.
• always forgets to tie his shoes, his shoelaces are always inside the shoe.
• will deny it but he's lightweight, he's snoring the second he drinks more than 3 beers.
• had a phase of talking in a british accent because i said so (also, eddie with joe's voice lord have mercy).
• won't say but he's a pretty sensitive guy, you tell him you think he's cool? he's gonna tear up a bit, you tell him his outfit is nice? he's gonna remember for the rest of the week probably.
• favorite cuss words are shit and fuck.
• likes to have movie night, with his uncle, friends or by himself.
• doesn't like to cry but when he does...oh boy, he will remember every single thing that's ever made him feel bad.
loves to talk about paranormal shit.
• as an only child, i can confirm we are all a little selfish...just with harmless stuff, you take one of his fries? he's gonna stare at you like you've committed a crime (which you have). point is; doesn't like sharing food but will shamelessly eat yours.
• loves nuggets with all of his heart.
• the kind of person to ask things like "you think animals know they're animals?" all the time.
• sarcastic king, the kind of sarcastic to make you doubt if he's serious (he's never serious).
• he's very proud of his tattoos, doesn't regret a single one.
• has a whole list of tattoos he wants to get, most of them designed by himself or his tattoo artist (which by the way lives in the trailer park).
• you say "oh it's too big" and he's gonna giggle like a child, i just know.
• learned how to drive at 12 years old, he just never improved...
• always asks for gum but never has his own.
• doesn't like to smile in pictures, sure he'll do the rock sign, stick his tongue out or simply stare at the camera but there's almost no pictures of him with a genuine smile.
• never gets scared, whether you try to scare him or he sees scary movies, it's really hard for him to yelp or flinch.
• doesn't really like coffee or tea.
• only knows english but would like to learn other languages.
• this won't surprise anyone but he's like a walking shazam, even songs he doesn't like he always knows what it's called and who sings it.
• he's always wanted a particular motorcycle, let's say a harley davidson panhead 1950. he will beg his uncle but he always says no; "do you wanna get yourself killed? you're crazy, you're not getting that, maybe when you grow up." 'when you grow up' meaning 'when you live on your own'.
• my man does not have an ounce of patience (he just like me fr) if there's something he cannot do he'll give up.
• likes to write anything really, since he was a little kid (biased? me? never!)
• really likes to be alone (at this point i'm projecting i'm so sorry).
• has never had a serious relationship, sure, maybe a kiss (or something else) here and there, after all he is a guitarist.
• he doesn't really feel comfortable with PDA, the farthest he'll go is an arm across your shoulders or maybe just maybe a hand on your thigh (non-horny pls).
• most of a relationship with him is just friends who kiss, i do see him calling his significant other things like "dude, bro, man" along with things like "sweetheart, babe" and maybe "honey".
• he does get all cheesy on certain occasions, and maybe just then he'll say something like "my love, doll" or "baby".
• don't care what anyone says he would never call anyone princess, maybe in a teasing way but i just cannot for the love of god see him calling his s/o princess/prince or something like that.

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