the coolest nerd

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eddie wasn't one to let people get to his head, he's had enough of jocks and bullies (which are almost always the same people) and simply won't break as much as it might pain him, he won't ever tell.

he also wasn't one to self doubt about things he likes, he's proud of the nerd, freak, geek, weirdo, you name it, he has become. but just this once, something happened, something that got him upset, maybe it was the fact that he's been overwhelmed with school or the fact that he cannot seem to focus while planning campaigns or playing guitar, but the name calling and weird glances got to the best of him.

the bad thing is...he's also not one to ask for help. usually he'll just distance himself for a little while until he feels like it's been enough, or pretend it doesn't matter, but you cannot do that when you have a significant other, now can you?

he found himself deep in thought on his bed, playing some random chords of his guitar when you snapped him out of trance; "everything okay there?" you ask, referring to the fact that he's been quiet maybe too long enough, or maybe with the fact that he wasn't his energetic self, it was worrying, to be honest.

"yeah, yeah i'm fine" he says unconvincingly, rubbing his eyes as if that would make it all better.
you stare at him a little while, before asking again "you sure?"
"yup." he finalizes the conversation by standing up
from his bed, to hang the guitar where it belonged.

the guy is obviously not okay, he seems almost not like himself, and you had an idea of what it could be.

"eddie...c'mon what is it?" you follow him with your eyes, it's like he's looking for something in his room.
"everything's fine! i don't know what you want me to tell you." he states in a rather harsh tone.
you let out a sigh. obviously something is bothering him but he won't tell. "alright, fine, just know that you can tell me anything okay?"

now he lets out a sigh and his eyes soften, "i know...thanks." he says.

you knew he wasn't ready to talk, you respected that, though it only made you feel more anxious, was it really that bad that he didn't want to say what it was? in any case, you'd let him talk to you.

"i'll go grab us do you feel about ice cream? or maybe popcorn?" you ask him, standing up from his desk and walking towards the door.
"both, please." he says pleadingly, making you let out a soft chuckle. "both it is".

in the (maybe 5 minutes) he was alone, he decided it all felt much better when you were around, he didn't necessarily want to talk but he knew he kinda needed to if he wanted to get past it.

when you returned he was sitting in his bed again, expectantly waiting for you to hand him either the pint of ice cream or the bag of popcorn, whichever would suffice. you hand him the popcorn, grabbing a spoon for yourself and sitting in front of him, legs crossed.

he sighs, wanting to start talking, not knowing exactly how. you look at him with a look that —to him said 'it's alright, i'm here, take your time'.

"h-how was your day?" he asks, not ready enough to talk about it.
"fine, i gayle gave us a free class, so that was cool" you grab a spoonful of ice cream. "what was the best thing about your day?" the phrasing of your sentence letting him know that you wouldn't pry on the fact that something happened.
"uhm...this" he admits. making you smile. "glad you feel that way, eddie. i love hanging out with you" you say, rubbing his arm softly.

"today was really shitty" he admits again, letting out a sigh. your eyes reflect empathy. "i'm so are you feeling right now?" you carefully ask, trying not to force him into talking.
"better, i suppose. i'm still thinking about my shitty day but uh, it's over right?"
"yeah...i'm sorry i was too insistent earlier. if you'd like, we could see a movie! or...get high?" you ask, making his neutral face grow into a smile, god did you miss it and his perfect dimples. "there he is!" you say, placing a cold kiss to his cheek.

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