the first time (parte dos)

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the first time eddie invited you to hang out was, as expected, not planned as well.

you found yourself at the mall with your friends, entering every store possible, looking for nothing in particular, when you enter a music store. wandering around, trying to not make it obvious you want to scatter from your friends, when you find a cassette from your favorite artist you didn't have yet. you hurriedly walk to the register in order to pay for it, where, surprise surprise! no other than the eddie munson was working.

how you didn't notice each other at first is a mystery. nevertheless, your heart felt...full...? at the sight of the long-haired guy in front of you. you try to ignore the feeling as you greet your locker neighbor.

"are you everywhere or are you stalking me?" he jokes.
"i guess it's a little of both." you joke back. "i didn't know you worked here!" you say, maybe sounding more excited than what you should.
he replied with a simple nod and a soft smile, dimples on full display.

words aren't coming to mind right now, not for you, and definitely not for him.

he pressures himself to say something, anything! 'don't stand there like an idiot' he thinks to himself.
ever since the discovery of his feelings for you, he's been...different to you, of course, you had no idea. to you, he was the same old guy you'd (once) saved his life.

"hey, we're going to..." one of your friends interrupts both of your thinkings, when he notices eddie. "the food court...see you there?" he continues as he glances eddie, in a not-so-friendly way.
"uhm, actually my mom told me i have to go home early, but see you guys monday!" you lie.
"alright then..." your friend takes another quick look at eddie, then back at you. 'jesus christ, what was he? an animal on a zoo? why does everyone look at him that way?' you think to yourself rightfully.

"he's kind of an asshole, ignore him." you turn back to eddie.
"you're telling me" he replies as he scans your cassette. obviously noticing his weird glances.
"i'm sorry. for him and, for the way people look at you at times." you have absolutely no idea where that heartfelt comment came from. but it seems like he isn't bothered by it.

he's not bothered at all. he is absolutely and absurdedly thankful for your actions. not just this once.

"you aren't to blame." he answers while he bags your item. "so, uh, why are you friends with them if you're obviously lying to get out of hanging out?" oh he absolutely saw through that one.
"i don't know, i guess...i'm afraid of being alone, so might as well have some company." you don't realize when this conversation turned so deep, but you don't mind at all, neither does he.
you grab your bagged item from his hand, and start to say your goodbyes to him, when he speaks again.

"hey, so uhm, if you ever want to hang out with me, i'm here for you." he says, doe eyes looking right at yours, bouncing on his feet, as if he's nervous about what he just said.
"i'd love to." you reply, smiling at him. you start waking out the store again when he speaks, again.

"are-are you free right now? i've only got 20 minutes left and i don't have anything planned for the rest of the day." he speaks, mentally ashamed of the way he spoke so bravely. "y-yeah, sure." you reply, trying to contain the excitement.

the first time eddie called you 'sweetheart' was about...3 weeks after you'd hung out for the first time.

the bell had already rang, indicating the beginning for classes, but for some unknown reasons you couldn't bring yourself to walk to your class.

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