lab partners

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a/n: i have literally no idea about cars i'm so sorry

"the person next to you is the one you'll be working with the whole school year" mr. gayle announced to the class. the problem being? there was no one next to you, not that it mattered because you didn't know anyone in the class, you thought you'd be working alone, that might be nice. you were deep in thought until...
the classroom door opened quite harsh, followed by the voice of someone saying "sorry" almost as a whisper.

"ah! munson, nice of you to drop by, you're 15 minutes late on the first to explain why?" mr. gayle asks the guy who was desperately trying to find a seat, with no luck. people kept putting their backpacks on the seat next to them or simply looking at him with a look that says 'don't even think about it'

"i uh- my car didn't work" he excused.
"it better work next time. find a seat, quick." the teacher said, almost as a threat. he glanced at you, noticing the empty seat by your side, he began walking towards the seat, expecting you to do the same thing everyone else had done.
in the span of those 3 seconds he walked towards the  seat, you thought maybe a lot of things...first of all 'oh he's gonna sit next to me' then 'shit he's gonna be my lab partner' followed by 'don't be so judgmental for god's sake!'
finally, he takes a seat next to you.

"hi" you offer him a small smile. "hey" he doesn't smile back. maybe it has to do with the fact that this is his third year in this class...and in senior year in general.  "so, as i was saying, the person sitting next to you will be your lab partner throughout the year." mr. gayle explains again. "so if there's any...inconveniences" he says looking at eddie not so subtly "you let me know, okay?" he finishes.
everyone simply agrees, with lazy voices.

"jesus, why did he look directly at you..." you think out loud. "right? so it wasn't just me" the guy next to you answers. you look at him for what seems the first time. staring into his eyes, maybe trying to figure out what to say next, when he beats you to it.
"i'm eddie, by the way." of course you knew eddie munson but hadn't interacted with him, not until now.  "yeah i're-"
"the freak. that's me" he purses his lips, almost as in disappointment. "wasn't gonna say that, you're the guy that sells" you whisper the last part, not wanting anyone to hear."oh, yeah, that's also me" he chuckles lightly.

"and i'm-" "my lab partner, apparently" he interrupts again. you simply nod, while he speaks again "look, if you want me to move just say the word, i won't be offended, really."  your eyebrows furrow almost on their own, how many awful people has he gone through to automatically just believe you don't wanna work with him?!
"nah you're okay. i like a challenge..." you try to joke, praying he knows you're not serious.
he knows, given that he smiles this time.

he's got a nice smile.

class continues without you talking, mr. gayle kept explaining some rules that eddie couldn't seem to care about, but again, it was his third time in this class.  he was not rude in any way, just that he kept humming a tune you didn't seem to recognize, he kept banging his fingers against the desk as if they were drum sticks, kept looking out the window, kept glancing at his watch maybe every 5 minutes or so, a very fidgety person altogether.

as soon as the bell rings everyone gathers their stuff in a matter of seconds and begin standing up.

"so uh, see you later then." he stands up from the desk and walks towards the hall. you nod, walking to your next class as well.

the next two or three weeks were full of 'heys' and small talk, maybe making each other laugh once or twice. he wasn't what most people said he were, and for that you were glad.

"did you bring your book?" he 'greets' as soon as he sees you sitting in your desk. "hello to you too, kind sir!" you joke. making him shoot you a sarcastic smile."yes i have it with me, did you forget yours?" you ask as if you didn't already know the answer. "i cannot for the love of god find it this point i'm convinced it was abducted or some shit." he answers as he sits down. "your locker?" you try to help. "honestly i have no idea what the hell is there, so, maybe." he says, making you chuckle. "i'll help you look for it, just...this class have my book, if he sees you don't have your book only god knows what could happen" you dramatically state.

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