don't wink

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a/n: what if i told you i have a weird obsession with people winking, then what?

eddie seemed oblivious to the fact that your knees went weak whenever he was around, or maybe he's just a douchebag...

he didn't seem to notice how whenever he animatedly talked about literally anything your eyes traced every single part of his face, trying not to smile dumbly at him while he simply talked. or again, maybe he's just a douche who liked making you suffer.

and he absolutely didn't notice how your breath hitched when he winked at you in a hellfire meeting. to him, meaning "you're doing great!", you though? you took it personally, trying to remember his pose as he did so. hand in his chin as he tilted his whole body forward on the d&d board, waiting for your next move, as you tried to say "i'll um...stab? him?" you say looking for approval at the man on the throne, which in response gave you that wink, the one who almost made you forget your part of the deal.

oh what's the deal you ask? well, somehow, eddie and his big doe eyes had convinced you to sub for sinclair, in exchange he would give you a week's supply of weed, completely free...,not that there was any difference, given how he gives you half an ounce for $10, which is nothing, really.

after your turn, you could physically not pull your eyes away from him, it was like magnetic force or some shit, he expertly continued explaining the storyline, making some of the club members gasp or yelp when he said something you honestly couldn't bring yourself to care about...not when he had done that.

i mean, it's not that you hadn't seen him wink before, it just hadn't been directly towards you, only you. but god did it feel awesome.

after the meeting was over, you stayed a little longer, helping eddie pick up the mess the whole club had made, mountain dew cans everywhere, dorito chips on the floor and the table, jesus christ, you only had to take a glance at the room to see it was full of men and only men (and boys).

"so, did you enjoy it?" he asks, holding a trash bag in his hand, while putting all the mess he could find in there. you helping as well.
"i mean, i wasn't particularly good at it but it was quite nice" you shrug, putting an empty bag of doritos in that same bag.
"oh, c'mon you weren't half as bad! and considering the things and...atrocities i've seen and heard in my years in this club, you should be flattered." his face turns into a soft smile, offering sincerity.
you simply smile back, before saying; "i mean it's honestly thanks to you, i don't think i'd even know what the hell a D20 is without your...lessons."

lessons, more known as 'i'm gonna tell you every single thing about d&d until you get tired of hearing me and agree to play'.

he chuckles and says "don't sweat it. thank you, though".
"thank me? dude you owe me" your brows furrow, not really mad or anything, pure playfulness.
he only laughs again. before changing the subject; "hey, you don't have to stay if you don't want to, i can clean up by myself." he looks down at the bag, making you wonder if he wants you to go.
"no, it's okay, honestly, i have nothing better to do." you admit.

"so there's nothing better than being in a room at your high school with the eddie munson, alone, picking up trash?" he smirks.

suddenly you become aware of it all, you were alone with him, at almost 9:00 p.m. and it's not like you were able to just say something dumb and then excuse yourself saying you're gonna be late to class, shit.

"precisely." you respond, desperately praying to whatever is above that he cannot see your nervousness

he must've, though, because his only respond to that was another fucking wink. what. a. dick.

'fuck, don't wink at me' you think.
"why not?" he tilts his head to the side.

he brings you out of your trance, you did not just fucking say that out loud...right?

"why not what?" you try to escape from the inevitable, playing dumb.
"you said 'don't wink at me' so, why not?" he asks, real curiousness in his voice.
"i- you know-" you nervously chuckle. having no idea what to say.
"no, i honestly don't!" he chuckles as well, he wasn't nervous though, he was genuinely confused.
"eddie..." you start, looking at him, painfully awkward, him looking back at you with a look that said 'dude i literally don't know what the hell you're on about'.
"you really don't know?" you ask, at this point, it was better just surrendering.
"am i supposed to know? because i am really lost right now..." he confesses.

"i thought it was pretty obvious" you said more to yourself than to him.
"what is?! i'm going nuts man" he whisper-yells the last part.
"i-i don't wanna say it out loud because...i'm just gonna sound stupid as fuck, but please eddie, you cannot for the love of god be so oblivious!" you say at an almost-not-comprehensible speed, wanting all of this to be over, for him to say it; 'ohhh, you have a crush on me? hmm, poor thing, okay well bye!'

obviously, it's not that he didn't entirely know...he just wanted you to confirm it for him, he didn't want to look like an idiot and say some cocky shit because it was honestly an idea he had stored on the back of his mind, you liking him? he didn't think so.

he blinks. "well i don't wanna say it out loud because i am gonna sound stupid as well!" he states at that same speed.

you stare into his eyes for an insane amount of time, waiting for him to say it, to just end your pain, say he's not interested, something for god's sake!

maybe it was because you were staring so hard he thought he could see your thoughts, maybe it was bravery that came across him, but quickly and without warning, he threw the trash bag to the ground and began closing the (maybe 2 feet) distance between you two.

what is going on? you thought, those words the only thing in your mind as he stopped walking.
"i think i know...but i wanna hear you say it, because i don't want to do something you'll hate me for and will ruin our friend-"
"fuck it" you mumble, finally closing that quite frankly small distance between your lips, also interrupting eddie in the process.

he was...stunned. sure, he might've expected this months ago when you'd blatantly admitted he was "crazy hot" (your words, not his) while high. he just thought it was a one time thing that would never be anything. yet here you were, months later, kissing him with such fondness he thought he might just be making it all up in his head.

seeing as he wasn't...responding, you thought you'd made a terrible, horrible, mistake. pulling away from him, which was the most painful thing he's ever felt, he thought.

"jesus christ i'm so so sorry eddie, i don't know what got into me, i- i guess i thought-"
now he interrupted you, grabbing your face so softly, as if you'd break. his kiss was softer than you'd ever imagine, now it was your time to be absolutely stunned. this was real, this was happening.
you kissed back, responding with that softness and fondness from before, just this time, it felt reciprocated.

it didn't feel rushed, it didn't feel forced, it felt exactly how a first kiss should feel.

as you both pull away for air, he lets out a small laugh before saying "guess it was what i thought it was huh?" making you laugh slightly as well.
"i hope so!" you state.

"took you long enough, lady." he teases. "took me long enough? i'm the one who kissed you, if you don't remember." you grin, making him smile in return. "granted" he says.

"so uh, would definitely love to keep doing this but i gotta get home. i'll see you tomorrow, and maybe after school we could go somewhere...if you want to- i mean- no, that's stupid sorry." you rant before he stops you by saying "there's nothing i'd love more. see you tomorrow, yeah?" "yeah" you nod.

as you're leaving he says from across the room "good night! dream about me!" he jokes as he starts leaving as well. "always do, don't worry." you joke back and leave the room.

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