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The young couple placed the baby at the entrance to the blocked off area of the town before looking around. No one would be awake at this time of night. Not even the zombies that lived on the other side of the wire fence. "Are you sure this is the right thing to do?" The man asked his wife. She nodded her head. "Yes, it's safer this way." She responded.

A flashlight flicked on. "Who's there?" A voice called out. The couple looked at each other in fear before quickly making their leave, never to be seen again. A human security guard approached the spot where the couple once stood. A cry was heard and he moved the flashlight so that it was on the baby. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Hello?" He called out, looking around. He squatted down to get a closer look at the baby.

It couldn't have been more than a couple weeks old. It was very small and very pale with small tufts of white hair on its head. The security guard looked over to the fence. He assumed that's where the baby had come from. Stupid zombies trying to infiltrate Seabrook. He picked up the baby and moved the fence, sliding the baby underneath. He stood up and wiped his hands on his pants in disgust before leaving the area.


A zombie man and woman walked through Zombietown with their newborn baby, Eliza, in their arms. They walked along the fence, wondering if they would ever get a chance to leave. The woman was lost in her thoughts and didn't notice that the man had stopped. "Honey." He said. She turned back around with Eliza in her arms to see her husband looking down at the ground. Her eyes followed his gaze.

A baby laid there on the ground, asleep. The woman handed the baby in her arms to her husband, and leaned down to pick up the baby. It was a human. How did it get into Zombietown? The woman peered through the fence to the other side. There was nothing there, just the dark woods. She turned back to her husband with a questioning look. He sighed and nodded. The woman smiled and moved the baby's blanket. 'Witney' was sewn into it. "Witney." She whispered. "Welcome home."

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