iii. i'm so sorry

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The group of zombie students walked into their basement classroom

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The group of zombie students walked into their basement classroom. "Yeah, Bonzo. In addition to getting rejected from football, we met a cheerleader. And we thought she was cool." Zed explained. "And pretty." Witney added. "Yes, and pretty. We thought she was different. We thought she could've been the one we're missing." Zed continued. "But we were wrong. Cheerleaders are all terrible." Witney said, upset. "I didn't even bother to put any effort into my outfit this morning." She whined.

"Whoa, whoa! There's no human students in the basement." The janitor said and they turned around to see Addison in the doorway. "Uh, someone yakked in the cafeteria." She said. "Oh, right. Still the janitor." Zed and Witney walked over to Addison. "Wow. This is awful." She said. "Yeah, we would've cleaned but the teacher's territorial about his mop." Eliza said. "Sorry." Addison said, holding the door open and moving out of the way. "Addison, what are you doing here?" Zed asked.

"Apologizing." She responded. "My cousin, he's a jerk about zombies and last night was cheer initiation." Witney and Zed gave her a look. "Not that that's a good excuse. I... I'm so sorry." She continued. "Well, what if Bucky sees us talking?" Zed asked. "We'll make sure he doesn't." Addison said, smiling at the couple. Smiles broke out on Witney and Zed's faces. "Can I hug you or would that be weird?" Witney asked. Addison nodded, stepping forward. Witney immediately hugged the blonde. She was a big fan of affection and physical contact, so usually Zed would be touching her at all times. 

She pulled away really quick, which disappointed both herself and Addison, but she needed to have boundaries. Both girls blushed as they pulled away, and Witney immediately grabbed onto Zed's hand and leaned into him. "Uh, see you at the pep rally this afternoon?" Addison asked. "Zombies don't do pep rallies." Eliza butted in. Addison nodded in disappointment. 

"We'll think about it." Zed said, noticing the look on her face. Addison smiled before leaving, closing the door behind her. "Okay, can we like crack open a window in here? It stinks of human." Eliza said. Bonzo leaned down to sniff his shirt. Zed and Witney gave her a look before they went and sat down.


The zombies all walked into the gymnasium after school for the pep rally. Everyone stared at them in confusion as they walked up the stairs trying to find seats. "I can't believe you dragged us out here to see Cheery McCheerstein." Eliza complained. "I'm gonna be sick. Do I look green? Greener than usual?" She asked. "Eliza, give it up." Witney said to her sister. Eliza rolled her eyes but quieted down anyways. The pep ralley then started with the cheerleaders all running out and doing flips.

Bucky then jumped through a giant poster of his own face. Everyone clapped and cheered. "Welcome to the Seabrook High Cheer Rally!" He shouted out. "It is gonna be a great year. We are gonna win the State Cheer Championship, again." Bonzo started chanting. "Come on, Eliza. Ease up. Cheer's contagious." Zed said. "So is pink eye." Eliza commented. Music started playing and the cheerleaders started doing their routine.

The zombies watched in amazement up until they brought out fire sparklers. Bonzo started freaking out. Zed grabbed onto him. "Don't worry about it. A little fire's not gonna hurt us." He said. "Fire!" Bonzo shouted out. "It's gonna be fine. Don't worry." Zed said again. Bonzo pushed Zed away from him, sending him flying into Witney who fell down onto the bleachers. Zed fell down on top of her. His Z Band started whizzing. It was unstable.

Bonzo ran down through the crowd. "Bonzo! No, stop!" Zed shouted out. Zed and Witney stood up, running to the stairs. Zed's Z Band deactivated, sending him into full zombie mode. Bonzo ran down onto the gym floor just as the cheerleaders tossed Addison into the air. The ones who were supposed to catch her ran away. "Addison!" Zed and Witney shouted out. "Go catch her." Witney said, shoving Zed forwards. He ran through the guys on the football team, sending them flying across the gymnasium into the football equipment.

Zed slid to his knees and held out his arms. Addison landed in them perfectly. Zed's arm hit off the ground set his Z Band online again. Witney sighed in relief and ran down the steps and to Zed and Addison. "Are you okay?" She asked Addison once she reached them. She nodded. "You! Me! We gotta talk!" The football coach yelled out to Zed.



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Witney walked into the cafeteria wrapped up in Zed's jacket with his arm around her shoulders. Everyone stared at them. With Zed now being on the football team, Principal Lee had allowed the zombies to eat in the cafeteria with the rest of the students. Eliza gasped in shock. "Human cafeteria. Wow, Zed, you really delivered." She said. They walked to the empty table in the back corner of the cafeteria. Witney and Zed made eye contact with Addison who smiled at them.

They goth their lunch from the lunch ladies and walked back over to their table. "Our very own lunch table in the darkest corer, under cheap fluorescent lights and by the trash cans." Eliza said. "I know." Zed said. "It's perfect. Living large and in charge." They sat down and Zed pulled Witney into his lap and wrapped his arms around her. Witney turned to look back at him, giving him a quick kiss on the lips before turning back to Bonzo who had taken their apples and was juggling them.

"Addison!" Zed yelled out and the entire cafeteria turned to look at them. Him and Witney both waved. Addison stood up and walked over to them. "Hi, um... As they say in old zombie tongue..." Addison proceeded to speak a very strange sentence in zombie. The zombies all looked at each other in confusion. "I looked it up on the internet." She said, very proud of herself. "Um, you just thanked him for rubbing peanut butter on your umbrella." Witney informed her.

The zombies laughed. "Oh, um. I mean, welcome to the cafeteria." Addison clarified. "Thanks." Witney responded. Bonzo held out his hand, giving Addison a flower he had made from an apple. "Thank you." She said. "Okay, why is Perky Von Cheerstick here?" Eliza asked. "Eliza." Witney scolded her sister. "The point of having our own table is to avoid people like her." 

"Oh, no, I just wanted to thank Zed for rescuing me from the..." Two cheerleaders came over and dragged her away, making Addison drop the apple flower in the process. The cheerleaders spoke to her for a bit before leaving. Addison looked over to the zombie table with a sad look on her face before running away. Zed grabbed the apple flower and then him and Witney got up, chasing after Addison.

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