i. humans don't really like zombies

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Witney opened the door to the house next door to hers in Zombietown and closed it behind her

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Witney opened the door to the house next door to hers in Zombietown and closed it behind her. "Hey, Zevon." She said, smiling at the older zombie. Witney wasn't a zombie herself, but she was adopted by her parents, who were zombies, when she was only a couple weeks old. She never knew who her real parents were, other than the fact that they were humans who didn't want her. She assumed it was because of her abnormal white hair.

"Hi, Witney." Zevon said. Witney waved at Zoey who was too busy playing with Zander, her toy dog. Zombies weren't allowed to have pets. "Zed's upstairs, honey." Zevon told her. Witney smiled at him before walking upstairs to her boyfriend's room. She opened the door and closed it behind her to see Zed putting on his vest. She walked up behind him and hugged him around the waist. Zed turned around in her arms and looked down at her.

"Hey." He said, wrapping his arms around the small girl. "Hi." She mumbled into his chest. Zed moved a stray piece of hair out of her face and tilted her face up towards him. He leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to her lips before pulling away. Witney whined. "Can't we just stay here all day?" She asked, attempting to drag Zed back to the bed with her. Zed chuckled and shook his head, not moving. "Nope. It's our first day. Can't leave a bad impression on the first day." He said.

Zed grabbed a football off his wardrobe and held open the door. Witney trudged out of it and down the stairs with a defeated look on her face. She plopped down in the chair next to Zoey took a sip of juice. She heard Zed come down and get down on his knees in the doorway. He started barking and Zoey turned to face him. Witney smiled. It was a fun little game the two siblings liked to play. "Come, Zed, come." Zoey said.

Zed started shuffling towards the table. He stopped in front of Zoey and barked again. "Good boy." Zoey said, patting Zed on the shoulder. "Hey, son, try this." Zevon said, coming into the dining room from the kitchen. Zed sat down at the table. "Brains in a can. It's made out of cauliflower." Zevon said, scraping some of the food onto their plates. "And some for you, my little zombie angel." 

Zed bit into the cauliflower. "It tastes like gym sneakers, Dad." Witney dropped her fork as the food was already halfway to her mouth. "I know. How great is that?" Zevon responded. Zed shrugged and continued eating. "Listen, Zed, I'm not so sure about this whole football thing, you know? It might be too much. I mean, I mean you're a great kid. It's just... You haven't spent a whole lot of time around humans, besides Witney."

"Hey, I'm just as much of a zombie as you guys are." Witney said. Zevon ignored her and continued. "Humans don't really like zombies." "That's just cause they haven't met me yet." Zed said with enthusiasm. "You're very likeable." Witney flirted. Zed sent her a wink and Zevon laughed. Zed threw the football and caught it before barking at Zoey again. She gave him a high five and then the two teenagers stood up.

Zed held the door open for Witney and they both walked outside. Everyone waved and Zed threw the football over to another zombie teen. Zed attempted to use the hose to water the dandelion growing on the front porch, but there wasn't much water. Zombietown didn't really have much. Witney and Zed walked down the stairs and to the street where they started singing. They continued singing as they walked over to Witney's house and waited for his sister, Eliza, who soon came outside and started singing with them.

Their other friend Bonzo soon came over from where his spray painting and started rapping in Zombie. He couldn't speak English like the others could. But, all said was that he was hungry. They zombie teenagers all ran off and past the old Seabrook Power building where Zombies were created. They ran past the gates that were open for the first time in forever and went to their new high school. Of course, there was a fence separating the humans and the zombies.

Both groups stopped on their sides of the fence and started dancing and singing. Both groups approached the fence and looked at each other as the bell rang. Zed and Witney's eyes both followed a gorgeous blonde girl as she looked around in amazement before walking into the building. A male cheerleader walked up to the fence and started mocking the zombies. Bonzo placed his hands on the fence and grunted. The cheerleader screamed and jumped back.

A security guard came over and ripped Bonzo off of the fence. "Do we need to take a trip downtown?" She asked. "No, officer." Zed interrupted, placing a hand on her arm. She shrugged him off in disgust. "We're all good." Bonzo started speaking in Zombie, moving towards the woman. Zed jumped in front of him. "No, hey! She does not want a hug." He said. Bonzo nodded and smiled while Witney and Eliza watched in disappointment. The security guard opened the door. "Okay, let's go." "Come on, you guys. We're in a real school. No more classes in a dingy basement." Zed said.


"You had to say it." Witney said. Their classroom was in the basement. "You were saying?" Eliza asked, sending Zed a pointed look. "I'm Principal Lee. We are thrilled to be forced to have..." The principal squealed. "You here. Do not leave the basement." She groaned as she shuffled past the zombies who were sat down. "Okay. Have a great year." "Principal Lee." Zed spoke up. "Okay." She squeaked. "I was just wondering, how do I try out for the football team?" Zed asked.

"And the computer coding club?" Eliza asked. Bonzo spoke up in zombie. "And music classes." Witney translated. "Bonzo's an artist. He's classically trained." She continued. Bonzo blew into his instrument before belting out a riff. Principal Lee cringed. "No. No. Yeah. Can't.. Zip it." She said. "Let me ask you this. Do any of these include leaving the basement?" She asked. "Well, yeah. I guess." Zed said. "Then I guess, you don't. So no tryouts for you. I am sorry. I don't mean it. Have a great day."

She moved past the group of four. "That's just an expression. Excuse me." She said, looking at them in disgust and tensing up as she walked by. She left the room and let the door slam behind her. "Okay. Let's do some grammar or something." The teacher, who was the janitor, said. "This is supposed to be chemistry." Eliza told him. "Look, forty five minutes ago I was a janitor, kid. So, bear with me." Without anyone noticing, Zed grabbed Witney's hand and they snuck out the door.

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