ii. you're not hideous at all

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The hallways were empty when Witney and Zed got upstairs. Everything was so bright in Seabrook compared to Zombietown. They crept along the wall with all the windows when Zed banged into a magazine rack. He yelled in pain, grabbing onto his leg. "Babe, are you okay?" Witney asked, grabbing onto him. "Yep." Zed said in pain. He let go of his leg and started limping down the hall, still groaning in pain. A cheerleader stopped in front of him. "Rogue zombie!" She screamed, pulling the alarm.

All the students rushed out of the classrooms and into the hall, running away once they saw Zed. He tried to reassure them that he wasn't harmless, but to no avail. He turned around to face Witney in defeat. "There he is!" A group of boys yelled out from behind Witney and started rushing towards them. Zed grabbed her hand and they started running. They ran through the hall before coming across a zombie safe room. Zed opened the door and pushed Witney inside before slamming the door behind them.

It was dark inside, except for the flashing red light. Witney and Zed stopped to catch their breath. Zed placed his hands on Witney's hips. "Are you okay?" He asked. Witney hummed. "Mhm." Her hands slid up Zed's arms and to the back of his neck. "I didn't think that would happen." Witney stood on her tippy toes. "Just shut up." She said, placing her lips on his. Zed's grip on her waist tightened as he gently moved her so that her back was against the shelf.

They jumped apart when they heard the door open and close. "Zombie safe room secure." A speaker said. Zed grabbed Witney's hand and then ran. But Zed banged into a box. "Hello?" A girl's voice sang out. "Hello?" Both Witney and Zed said. "Hello?" The girl called out again. "Why, hello." Zed said as they moved from behind the boxes. "Don't get any ideas, buster. The only thing more deadly than my high kick is my low kick." The girl threatened.

"Oh, we'll be sure to play nice then." Witney said. "I'm sorry. This just wasn't how we were expecting our first day at a new school to go." Zed explained. "You weren't expecting to be trapped in a zombie safe room?" The girl questioned. "Oh, no. That we expected." Witney answered. "It happens to us all the time, it's sort of our thing." Zed said. The girl laughed. "So, we're not gonna get low kicked?" Witney asked. "You're safe." The girl said.

"For now." She added. "Good." Zed breathed out. "Cause today's a big day. I'm trying out for the football team." "Oh, we're both having big days. I'm trying out for the cheer squad." The girl told them. "That's a tough gig to get." Witney commented. "Yeah, but I love it. My parents had me in cheer camp since forever." "My dad doesn't even think I'm gonna make the team." Zed said. "What? No, sure you will." The girl said. "You just need someone to cheer for you. And soon, fingers crossed, it'll be like my job."

"Uh, I'm Zed." Zed said as they almost came face to face with the girl. "And I'm Witney." The white haired girl added. "What's your name?" She asked. "Addison." The girl responded. "Nice to meet you guys." The lights turned on. Addison was the same girl from this morning. "All clear." The speaker said. "Zombie!" Addison shouted out, smacking Zed across the face. He groaned in pain. "Babe, you okay?" Witney asked, grabbing onto him. "What? Zed, I'm so sorry." Addison apologized.

"My parents have always taught me that zombies are disgusting, dead eyed freaks, but... You're not hideous at all." Addison said. "Thanks. I'll take it." Zed responded. Addison turned to Witney. "And you're absolutely gorgeous." She said. Witney blushed. "But you're not a zombie?" Addison questioned. "I'm adopted." Witney said, still blushing. Addison nodded, her cheeks turning a bit pink. "My parents have always hated zombies since one bit my grandpa's ear off."

"But now we'll just talk your ear off." Zed joked. "Yeah, we don't bite." Witney said. "Unless you're into that sort of thing." She flirted, winking at the blonde. Addison giggled, heat rising to her cheeks. The door slammed open and four cheerleaders ran in. "There you are." The one who mocked Bonzo earlier, exclaimed. He pulled Addison away from Witney and Zed. "Ew." "Nasty." "Zombie germs." The three cheerleaders with him all said. "If you ever touch my cousin again it won't be pretty, which as you can see if off brand for me." The main cheerleader said, holding out his hand.

The other male cheerleader sprayed hand sanitizer on his hand and then he rubbed them together. "To the cheer tryouts. Seabrook awaits." He said, snapping his fingers. He wrapped his arms around Addison and physically dragged her out of the room. Witney turned to Zed. "What just happened?" She asked. "Well, we're making progress." Zed responded. Witney smirked. "With a cute girl, too." She said. Zed raised an eyebrow. "You like her?" He asked. Witney shrugged with a smirk still on her face.


Witney sat up from where she was laying against Zed's chest when she heard a scream outside followed by the sound of tires screeching. She got up off of Zed's bed and walked over to the window to see a bright pink van speeding down the street. She walked out of Zed's bedroom and outside with him hot on her heels. They didn't see anything on the street. "Everything okay out here?" Zevon asked, stepping out onto the porch. 

Witney and Zed turned around, making eye contact with Addison who was crouched down behind the stairs. They gave her a disappointed look. "Zed? Witney?" Zevon called out. "Anybody there?" "Uh, no." Zed said, shaking his head. "Nobody." "Come on back inside then." Zevon said to them. The couple watched Zevon walk back inside before turning back to Addison. They both gave her disappointed looks and walked back inside.

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