ii. we just need the right leader

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Everyone was gathered in the city hall. "Werewolves are real!" Bucky shouted. "I always, always said the stories of monsters in the forest were real. And no one believed me!" He continued. He sat down, crossing his arms and pouting. "I thought werewolves were just myths." Stacey said. "Yeah, like cavities." Jacey added. Witney turned to look at him in disbelief. "Those are real too?" Witney shook her head in disbelief before leaving to go find Zed and Addison. "Please can I have one?" Zoey asked Zevon. "I'm the only zombie in my class. A werewolf friend would be great." She continued. "I'll feed him and walk him."

"Yeah, werewolves ain't class pets, Zoey." Zevon said in exasperation. Witney sat down on Zed's lap. "And they certainly ain't friendly." The mayor, Addison's mom, Missy, stepped up to the podium and slammed her gavel. "I have a feeling this isn't going to bed good." Witney whispered to Zed, who's grip tightened on her waist. He nodded, agreeing with her. "By order of city council, effective immediately, all anti monster laws are reinstated." Missy announced, slamming the gavel again. Witney's heart dropped into her stomach and she growled quietly. Her eyes widened. That came out of nowhere.

"Mom, that is unfair!" Addison yelled out. Missy gestured for her to zip it. Witney shook the thoughts out of her head, and then her Zed rushed towards Addison. "Witney, Zed, we need to talk." She said. "We do. Even though you didn't write, or answer any of our letters." Zed started off. "No, I wrote. A lot." She held up shreds of paper in the form of pom poms. "The Aceys shredded all of our letters." Addison said. Witney looked over to see the Aceys all high fiving.

Zed got down on one knee. Witney turned back to face him. "Addison, Witney." "Oh my God. Are you proposing?" Witney asked, face paling. Zed held back a chuckle and shook his head. "Will you two make me the luckiest zombie and be my dates to Prawn?" Zed asked. "No." Addison responded. "Great." Zed said before realizing what she said. "No?" He questioned. "Everyone's freaking out about werewolves, so the anti monster laws are in affect again, which means..." Addison trailed off. "Zombies can't go to Prawn." Bucky said, appearing out of nowhere. "Ouch."

"But we're going to fight this." Addison said. "Okay, so that's why you said no?" Witney asked, shyly. "Yeah. Why are you smiling?" "Because when you said no, I thought you didn't like us anymore. But the only problem here is a bunch of blood thirsty werewolves." Zed explained. "And Bucky standing here like a creep." Witney added. She turned to face the male cheerleader. "Can you, like, leave?" She asked. "We can so fix that."



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"I really thought we'd all be at the Prawn together." Addison said as her, Witney, and Zed walked through the hallway the next day. "I thought Seabrook could change." "It did. Believe me, I will find a way to get us to the Prawn." Zed said. "Or we could miss it together." Witney offered. "No, no, no." Both Zed and Addison said. "We're not letting you miss the Prawn." Zed said. "Well, if you can't go. I'm not going." Witney said. "Neither am I." Addison added. "Well, I like you guys too much not to let you go." Zed said. "Well, we like you too much to leave you behind." Addison countered. "We are so not going."

"Ugh, you guys even fight like a perfect couple." Eliza said, approaching the group of three. "How's it going, Eliza?" Addison asked. "You know, fighting injustice is keeping me busy." Eliza responded. "And looking good doing it, zom bae." "Addison!" Bucky yelled out from behind them. "Time to officially nominate me as president. Let's keep it understated, yet extravagant and flashy." Bucky continued. "I don't think he understands what those words mean." Witney said in confusion.

"Cheer could be so much more than just pom pomming for Bucky." Addison said. "Uh, Addison?" Lacey called out, and they all turned to face her and Stacey. "Once we're cheer captain, you are so off the team." Lacey said. "And when I'm cheer captain, you'll be welcome to stay, because I'll be making cheer about bringing people together." Addison told her. Lacey and Stacey laughed. "That was awful trash talk." "I know, right? You will never be cheer captain, freak." Addison turned back to face Zed, Witney, and Eliza. "See ya." She said before being dragged off.

"I gotta find a way to get us to the Prawn." Zed said. "We can crash it." Eliza offered. "I mean, we can't make the rules, but we can break em." Zed snapped his fingers. "Well, we can make the rules. We just need the right leader." He grabbed the two girls by the hand and dragged them with him.


"Okay, are there any more nominees for president?" Principal Lee asked in the school lobby. "Just a reminder that being part of student council means that we get to hang. Anybody, anybody want to hang? Just... anyone want to hang out? Anyone?" Principal Lee looked around. "Oh, we could come up with our very own complicated high five. That'd be fun, huh?" She started clapping her hands together, so they band started playing to drown her out.

A poster of Bucky fell down from the upper level. He flipped up towards the stage. "Great news, we have a brilliant and cheer tested candidate running for president this year. Me!" Everyone started cheering for him. Bonzo accidentally hit Zed with his instrument and Zed tumbled down to the stage. He pushed Bucky out of the way. "Zombie strong!" Zed yelled out. "Hello, everyone. My name is Zed, and I am running for president."

"Anyone can run for president, Bucky." Addison said, as Bucky started throwing a fit. "She actually has a point, Mr Bucky." Principal Lee said. "A zombie president? Ew!" Lacey shouted out. The zombies cheered. "Okay! If you vote for me, I will bring you prosperity and awesomeness!" The crowd started chanting his name. "As your president, I will make Seabrook a place that embraces zombies and-" Bree cut him off. "Werewolves?" She yelled out. "Uh, no. Why would we want- Werewolves!"

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