iv. someday, maybe

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Witney and Zed walked out to the hallway to see Addison looking at all of the cheer trophies in the display case. "Ah, the perfect picnic spot." Zed said in a French accent, holding out the apple flower. Addison laughed and took it from him. "Sorry, I couldn't sit with you guys at lunch. I wanted to. It's just, everyone was..." She trailed. "No, we get it. Someday, maybe." Zed said. Addison went to say something but started walking up the stairs instead.

Witney and Zed went after her. "Thanks for saving me at the pep rally." Addison said to Zed. "Are you kidding? It worked out for everyone. Look at me. I'm gonna be on the football team. And, if things go well, zombies will be more accepted." Zed explained. "And, we could like hang out in public?" Witney suggested. Addison's eyes widened. "Wouldn't that be something?" She asked before sighing. "This town. This school. It's... It's hard not fitting in."

Witney scoffed. "Well, how would you know? You're perfect." She flirted. Addison was silent for a moment before she lifted her hair. "It's a wig. My real hair is freakish. And I... I can't change it." She explained. "Well, can we see it?" Zed asked. "Never. Sorry. My parents always made me cover my hair. And they're right, cause now I'm on the squad. And I fit in." Zed sighed. They heard voices and he grabbed both of their hands and dragged them to the zombie safe room.

"This is where we first met." Addison said once the door sealed behind them. "This is where we had our first punch." Zed teased. Addison sighed. "I think zombies should be allowed to fit in." She said. "I agree. We're not that different from humans." Witney added. "Yeah, well, we're probably the only ones who think that." Zed said before they started singing and dancing. They continued dancing and singing as they exited the zombie safe room and the bell rang. Once the other students exited their classrooms, the three separated from each other.

The next bell rang. "Oh, good luck at the football game." Addison said. Witney leaned up and pressed a kiss to Zed's cheek. "Good luck." She said. "Yeah, yeah. It'll be awesome." Zed said, running off. "Woo! Yes!" Witney and Addison giggled. Witney held out her pinky and Addison linked hers with it and they walked off.


Witney sat with Eliza, Bonzo, Zevon, and Zoey as the football game started. Zed was immediately tackled to the ground. He was tackled again. The other team was definitely going after him just because he's a zombie. Bonzo covered Zander's eyes. "At least the cheerleaders are amazing." Zoey said. "Go, Seabrook! Go, Seabrook! Go, Seabrook!" She cheered. "We don't clap for cheerleaders." Eliza said.


Zed had gotten Eliza to help him hack his Z Band so that it would help him on the field. And so far, it was working. "Yeah! That's my son!" Zevon shouted out as Zed scored a touchdown. "That's my boyfriend!" Witney shouted. "Yeah!" Witney watched as Addison threw her pom poms down and snatched Bucky's megaphone from him. "Feel that breeze, it's not a sneeze! Zombies score and run with ease! Woo!" She shouted into it. Seabrook had won the game. 

Bonzo lifted Witney and Eliza up as they all cheered for Zed. "Way to go, Zed!" Zevon shouted out. He placed them down and Witney ran down the stairs and joined Addison where she was with the cheer squad. Addison threw her pom poms down and they both ran towards Zed when the football team set him back down on the ground. "Wow. You were amazing." Addison said. "Thanks. Awesome cheers." Zed said as Witney hugged him. Addison shrugged before engulfing the couple into a hug. Zed and Witney were both shocked but wrapped their arms around the blonde anyways.



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Ever since Zed had been helping the football team win games, the zombies had become more popular. They weren't hated anymore, and humans had even started sitting with them at lunch. "Hey, Addison!" Zed shouted out when Bucky walked away from sail girl. She looked over at him and Witney with tears in her eyes before running out of the cafeteria. Witney pouted in disappointment. 


Many people had been wanting Zed's autograph, which weirded Witney out a little. After they had all left, Eliza grabbed her computer and stood up. "Okay, I'm off to computer club. Me. I think I might be happy?" She said. "It looks good on you, Eliza." Witney said to her sister before she walked off. Witney and Zed both high fived Bonzo before he left for music class. They went to walk over to Zed's locker when some humans passed by wearing zombie clothes.

"Hey, zombie chic. I like it. Give me some. Boom! Boom! There it is." Zed said. He went to unlock his locker when Addison walked by with Tracey, Lacey, and Stacey. Addison went to look over at them but Tracey and Stacey grabbed her and moved her forwards. Lacey gave them a fake smile and pushed her hand up in their faces. Zed turned back around to unlock his locker and when he did, confetti shot out of it all over him. He pulled out a note that read 'Cheering for you on the inside. XO, Addison.'



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"You sure we should be doing this?" Witney asked Zed as they got ready for the party in his bedroom. "Is this Witney Zambie actually not considering breaking the rules for once?" Zed teased from where he sat on his bed. Witney chuckled and rolled her eyes before walking over and straddling his lap. Zed's hands went to her hips. Her hands went to his face. "I love you." He said, pressing his forehead to hers. 

Witney leaned in and pecked Zed on the lips. "I love you too." She said. She stood up. "Alright, let's go." Zed said, hopping up from his bed and holding the door open for her. "Do I look okay?" Witney asked, fiddling with her rings. Zed scoffed. "You look beautiful. As always. Addison's gonna drool when she sees you." Witney giggled. Zed gestured to the open door. "Now, after you, m'lady."

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