i. something big is happening

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"Hey, did you guys hear that explosion last night?" Witney asked her pack as they started walking to Seabrook

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"Hey, did you guys hear that explosion last night?" Witney asked her pack as they started walking to Seabrook. Willa shook her head. "It's probably nothing." She said. "It was probably just a meteor. Or a car crash outside of town." Wyatt offered. Witney bit her lip and shook her head. "I don't know. Something just doesn't feel right." As they approached the school, their moonstones started glowing. "Our moonstones are acting weird. Something big is happening." Witney said, trusting her gut.

"Something big is happening." Wyatt said. He held up a flag. "Biggest football game in the universe." Willa rolled her eyes. "Just the biggest in Seabrook." A human girl came up to her and tried to draw on her face. Willa growled at her. "Willa." Witney scolded, giving her beta a look. "Come on. You know how important a win is for all us monsters. Seabrook needs you, cheer wolf." Wyatt said. "You want a fierce werewolf to rally a football team?" Willa questioned. Witney shrugged. "It could work."


Willa howled while standing on top of the football bus. "Let's tear these Eastside Eels apart. Destroy them! Yeah!" Everyone cheered and then she clawed the roof of the bus. "Maybe just a bit too much school spirit." Wyatt pointed out. "Get our Mighty Shrimp on this bus so we can defend our turf. No outsiders mess with our pack. Yeah!" Willa continued to shout. "When you're from Seabrook, you are Seabrook." Everyone started chanting. Zoey's tablet started ringing from where she stood next to Witney and Wyatt.

"Eliza!" The two werewolves exclaimed. "Hey, guys." She responded. "I can't believe you're not here for this. We all miss you." Wyatt stuttered out. "Some of us more than others." Witney added, shooting a wink Wyatt's way. He elbowed her in the ribs, signaling for her to shut up. "Wait, what'd you say, Wit? I couldn't hear what you said." Witney didn't respond once she heard Addison start cheering. "Okay, everyone, let's give it up for our football team as they head off to victory. Here they come!"

Bucky soon burst through the banner. He flipped down the road before doing his signature jazz hands. "Thank you, thank you for coming to see me off for my big game." He exclaimed. Witney rolled her eyes. "Could he get any more conceited?" She asked herself. Smoke soon appeared and Zed ran out with Wynter and the rest of the football team behind him. All of the boys ran onto the bus while Zed gave Wynter a pep talk. They howled before Wynter ran towards the bus. She ended up running straight into the side of it.

"You okay?" Witney asked the younger pack member. She nodded before turning to Zed. "Too much?" She asked. "Never too much. You do you." He responded. The crowd started chanting again. Witney ran over to Zed and Addison who wrapped their arms around her. "Meteors!" Zoey pointed out. They all turned where she was pointing. They brushed it off and ran over to where the recruiter for Mountain College was with their parents.

"Oh, hi." "I'm a recruiter for Mountain College and we need... we need..." The recruiter trailed off. "You need to recruit me to Mountain College, or..." The recruiter cut Zed off. "Oh, no! Oh, no!" He exclaimed. They turned to where he was looking and saw a spaceship descending from the sky. People started screaming. "It's a UFO." Witney realized. The recruiter ran off with Zed screaming after him. The power lines fell down, setting the bus on fire. "I have to find the pack." Witney said to Zed and Addison before rushing off to find her pack.

She found them and they all started singing. Witney saw Zed and Addison standing basically right under the ship and her eyes widened. She turned to look at Willa. "Will you?" Willa nodded and pushed her towards them. The police car next to them blew up. The aliens in the ship blasted lasers onto the ground around them and it started cracking. Zed and Witney jumped over and then Witney held her hand out for Addison.

They joined everyone else as they watched in fear. Beams came down and then aliens appeared in front of them. They started dancing. Three aliens stopped before a crack in the ground and everyone watched in confusion at what they were doing. Zombies, werewolves and football players rushed at them, but kept getting thrown back by the bracelets they were wearing. The aliens started dancing again. The people of Seabrook started dancing towards them.

Both groups stopped and Zed zombied out. "Wolves, now!" Witney yelled and all the wolves growled at the aliens. They jumped back. "Zed, Witney, stop! Enough!" Addison shouted. She pulled them back. "Oops. It seems our arrival may have caused a small, somewhat destructive energy surge." The male alien said. The three aliens spoke to each other for a bit before a cheer flyer flew down in front of them. The male alien picked it up. The female cleared her throat and stepped forward.

"Take us to your leader." She demanded. "Your cheerleader." The other alien added while the male held up the flyer. Addison stepped forward. "Hi." She said shyly. "We accept your invitation to the National Cheer Off." Witney looked at them wearingly. "Z Patrol, arrest them!" Dale ordered. The officers came over and arrested the three aliens, who looked quite happy. "I'm confused." Wynter said. Witney turned to look at her. "You're confused? I'm confused, Wynter."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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