i. we're not alone

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"Zed, what are you doing?" Witney asked as she approached her boyfriend on the beach

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"Zed, what are you doing?" Witney asked as she approached her boyfriend on the beach. The zombie turned around to face her with a giant smile on his face. "Playing with Zoey." He responded as he lifted his sister into his arms. Witney chuckled and shook her head with a smile on her face. "Come on. Let's go home." She said and then they started walking back towards Zombietown. "Come on!" Zoey yelled, running off into the now open permanently open gates.

"Wait, wait wait! No, Zoey, wait for us!" Zed yelled out as the couple ran after the young zombie. "Hey, hey!" The football coach exclaimed as they approached him at his fro yo cart. "What's up, Coach?" Zed asked. "Oh, football off season has been good to me, Zed. Invested in a fro yo cart. Little side hustle, gonna go global, gonna buy a car, get some dress shirts, go on vacation without my great aunt Edna." Witney raised an eyebrow. "Though she loves swimwear weather. You know I might just bring her along." Coach continued.

"Cauliflower brains mocha crunch, please." Zoey said. "You got it!" Coach said with excitement. "I'll take a vanilla, Coach." Zed said. Witney turned to look at him. "What? I like vanilla." He said, noticing the look on her face. Witney giggled. "And for the lady?" Coach asked. "Peanut butter and bones for me." Witney said. The coach handed them all their fro yo. "Now y'all have a good day, okay?" He said. "Thanks, Coach." Zed said. The couple dropped Zoey off at Witney's house before going to see Zed's dad over at the old Seabrook Power building.

"Hey, Dad." Zed said as they saw Zevon talking to another zombie. "Hey, son. First day as foreman of the demo crew. Big day for zombie kind." Zevon said. "Yeah, you'll do great. Just don't make any lame zombie dad jokes." Zed said, patting his father on the shoulder. "But the working stiffs love em!" Zed rolled his eyes at his father's antics before grabbing Witney's hand. "This demolition has got to go!" They heard Eliza yelling as they rounded the corner. "They can't tear it down, guys." Eliza said once the couple approached her.

"Seabrook Power hasn't worked for years." Witney pointed out. "It's an important part of zombie heritage." Eliza shouted. "This is progress, Eliza. And now, we can even go to Prawn." Zed said, holding up the flyer. "Come on, Eliza. You know how much I've always wanted to go." Witney said, grabbing her sister's hands. Eliza rolled her eyes and picked up the speaker again. "I'm loud and proud to be a zombie." She turned back to Witney and Zed. "I dream of a day we ditch our Z bands and let our inner monsters roar. Ah!" She yelled into the speaker. Witney ripped it out of her grasp and shook her head.

She grabbed Eliza's hand and pulled her throughout the building as they started singing and dancing. They met up with Zoey and their other zombie friends, besides Bonzo, who was at cheer camp with Addison and Bree. They finished singing and Zed grabbed the bag with all of the supplies in it. "Bye, guys! Good luck!" Eliza called out as him, Zoey, and Witney left.


"When do I throw the confetti?" Zoey asked as Zed hung up the sign. "You'll know." He responded. He glanced back at Witney. "What if she says no?" He asked. Witney shook her head. "Addison lo-" She stopped herself. "Addison likes us. Of course she'll say yes." She continued. Zed nodded. "Yeah. She will." "Zed!" Witney yelled out as he got the lights to work. "Yeah, babe?" He asked, not looking. "Turn around." She said, watching as the cheer team bus got closer to where he was standing on the ladder.

He screamed as the bus drove straight into the ladder, knocking him off of it. He landed on top of the bus as it kept going. "Whose idea was it to let Shrimpy drive?" Witney yelled out. She looked down at Zoey. They both ran off after the bus. Zed fell off as they caught up with it. The bus went through the bushes and into the woods. "Now!" Zoey yelled as she threw the confetti at her brother. Zed stared at her for a second before running off after the bus. Zoey and Witney followed him.

The bus went through the gates to the Forbidden Forest. "Do we have to go in there?" Zoey asked, hugging onto Witney's leg. She leaned down to face the young zombie. "Zoey, you stay here. Zed and I will go and find everyone, okay?" She said. The girl nodded. "We gotta find Addison." Zed said. The couple ran through the forest, looking for their third. They came across a fork in the road, leading in three different directions. "Which way did she go?" Zed asked. Witney looked around. "That way." She pointed to the trail on the left.

They ran through it, seeing Addison standing on a rock. Zed placed his hand on her shoulder. Addison turned around in fright, punching him. "Zed! Witney!" She exclaimed once she realized who it was. Witney placed her hands on Addison's cheeks and kissed her. "We missed you too." Zed said, hugging the other white haired girl. "Zoey." Addison said and Witney whipped her head around. "I thought I told you to stay out by the road." Zoey shrugged sheepishly.

"We're not alone." Addison informed them once everyone else had found them. "We're surrounded by..." She trailed off. "Werewolves." She whispered. "Cool!" Zoey exclaimed. "What?" Stacey yelled. "Wolves?" "What wolves?" Lacey added. "Here wolves?" Jacey screamed. "Werewolves?" They all screamed in unison. The three of them immediately took out their phones and started typing. Witney rolled her eyes. "Nobody's gonna believe this." Zed said, trying to reassure everybody. "I wouldn't be too sure about that." Witney said, gesturing to the Aceys.

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