iii. welcome to seabrook

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A group of werewolves ran into the school. Everyone screamed in terror. "There she is!" A female werewolf said, looking towards Addison. They started running towards her. Witney stepped in front of Addison, protectively. "Football team! Defense, Z twenty four. Right." Zed ordered. The rest of the football players formed a protective circle around the two girls. "Where's the moonstone, white hair?" The female werewolf asked. "I think you've got the wrong person." Addison stammered out. Eliza stepped up onto the stage.

"Uh, Eliza, what are you doing?" Zed asked her. "Let's smash our Z bands and zombie out. We can use our strength to fend them off." Eliza explained. "We can't lose control. We are not monsters." Zed told her. "Our razor sharp claws will gut em and splatter their blood." Another female werewolf exclaimed. Everyone gasped and jumped back. "Too much?" The werewolf asked. The other female werewolf, the leader, nodded. "Wolves! On my command!" The necklaces around their necks started glowing. Their eyes turned yellow and they bared their teeth.

"Willa. We can't go to war with the whole town. We'll never find the moonstone if they're on high alert." A male werewolf said to the leader. "I hate it when you're right." She responded. "Wolves, stand down." The werewolves drew back. "Sorry. We werewolves so admire your town, and we just came here to join your school." The leader said. Everyone murmured in confusion. "What? They can't join our school." Bucky said. "Technically the Forbidden Forest is within the school district." The football coach said. "So, welcome to Seabrook." Addison cheered. The werewolves laughed awkwardly as Addison pushed through the football players to the front of the crowd.


"Zed for prez!" Witney said as she helped Zed hand out flyers in the courtyard. "Vote Zed for prez, because I'm a zombie, not a zom can't be." Zed said. "Okay, here's our platform." Eliza started off. "We fight for zombie toppings on pizza in the cafeteria." "Right." Zed agreed. "Get Zombie tongue taught as a second language." Eliza added. "Yes, please." Witney said. "And how to overthrow your oppressors after school club." "Eliza!" Witney scolded. "Sorry, right. Don't over promise."

"But more importantly, we allow zombies at Prawn." Zed said. "Good luck, Mr Future President." Addison said, walking over to join them. Bree rushed over in excitement. "Hey, Zed, Witney, did you hear?" She asked. "Addie's being tested for captain, and she gets to run cheer practice tomorrow." She exclaimed, clapping her hands. Addison shook her head. "It's not a big deal." She said, brushing it off. Bree gave her a blank stare. "Okay, it's huge." Addison admitted.

"A huge chance to fail!" Lacey called out from Bucky's campaign table. "If Addie aces this practice, oh my gosh, she's so going to be cheer captain once Bucky wins. He's so gonna win, because you know, elections, they're just like these big old popularity contests. And Bucky is super popular." Bree rambled. Zed cleared his throat. "So... What?" "Thanks, Bree." Zed said, sarcastically. "I know it's weird I'll only be cheer captain if Bucky's president, but..." Addison trailed off.

"No, that just means neither of us can lose, because one of us is going to get what we want. And I can live with that." Zed said. Addison nodded. "Me too." She said. Both her and Zed turned to look at Witney. She giggled. "Okay, me three." She said. "You'll do great, Zed." Addison said. Witney handed her a flyer. "Zed for prez!" They all started chanting. 


Witney walked through the hallway with Zed and Eliza. "With cheer fans in Bucky's camp, and zombies and the football team in mine, the school's split right down the middle. Werewolves are the swing vote." Zed explained. "Wolves are key to winning this election. But you know winning over the wolves is going to be hard." Eliza said as they watched the wolves terrorizing other students. "Trust me, I got this. We're going to win the wolves votes, and more. We just have to show them how to fit in, like us. Easy."


"Win the wolves' vote, win the election. Easy." Zed said as him, Witney, Zoey, and Eliza approached the wolves in Zombietown. "Hello wolves, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Zed, zombie, football star, presidential hopeful." He said, holding out a hand. He awkwardly laughed and pulled his hand away after the werewolves didn't say anything. "Okay." "When Zombies first came to Seabrook we were outsiders too." Eliza said. "Which is why you need a great president like Zed to represent you." She continued.

"We'd be honored if you guys joined us." Wynter stood up. "Our pack is our pack. We don't need anyone else, so..." She trailed off. "Who doesn't want more friends?" Zoey asked. "Underneath all that fluffy hair, I bet you're a real softie." Wynter leaned down to be face to face with the young Zombie. "I am a mean, mean werewolf, kid. I am tough and rough." She growled. "Aww, you said ruff. Like a sweet little puppy dog. Ruff, ruff!" Zoey teased.

"We are beasts of the forest, we will never be tamed." Zoey started scratching Wynter behind the ear. "Oh boy. Oh wow, that's great. Oh wow." Wynter sat back down, only to be met with Willa's glare. "Sorry." She whispered. Willa stood up. "We're nothing like you zombies." She said. "You sort of are." Eliza responded. "Your necklace is powered, right? Kind of like an organic Z band." She explained. "You're smarter than he looks." Willa commented. Witney held back a chuckle.

"Thanks." "That necklace keeps you from fully wolfing out?" Witney questioned. She went to touch it, but Willa smacked her hand away. Witney whimpered. Zed grabbed her by the waist and moved her behind him. "The opposite. Our moonstones make us our true werewolf selves." Willa explained. "So, without it you'd be human?" Zed asked. "No, we'd die. We'd be nothing." She responded. "Imagine how alive you'd feel if you didn't have to tamp things down. Hold back your true selves." Wyatt said.

"Actually, I've got this theory that zombies might've evolved beyond their need for Z bands." Eliza said and Zed laughed uncomfortably. "Z bands are great. They help you fit in. And I think you guys would have a much better time at Seabrook if you just followed in our footsteps. Join a club, play football. I'll even teach you how to tackle. Just lighten up. Be more like us." Zed said before they all started singing. After they stopped singing, Wynter tackled Zed to the ground. Witney burst out laughing as the wolves howled and Zed screamed in pain on the ground.

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