vii. i'm not a monster

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With three seconds on the clock to go in the game, Witney realized something was wrong. Zed was out of it. Eliza looked down at her Z Band. "Software's been corrupted? How?" She questioned. Bonzo looked over at them in fright. "Zed, what did you do?" Eliza asked, standing up. Zed caught the football and started running down the field. He scored a touchdown before being tackled by the opposing team. Seabrook had won the game. 

Zed threw the players off of his back and stood up. He took off his helmet. He had gone full zombie. The alarm started blaring. Witney, Eliza, and Bonzo started pushing through the crowd. They had gotten down the stairs and away from the rest of the student body when Bonzo and Eliza went full zombie. "Oh no." Witney whispered as she noticed them start walking towards the cheerleaders. "Eliza! Bonzo!" Witney yelled out to them. "Now is not the time!" She continued yelling.

The security guards came over and tazed them, stabilizing their Z Bands and making them their normal selves again. They cuffed their hands behind their backs. Another security guard walked out from under the bleachers with Zed. "Guys! Hey, these are my friends." Addison shouted, chasing after them. "We don't have human friends." Eliza choked out. "We told you, Addy. Zombies are not safe." Addison's father scolded her.

"Give them an inch..." "And they'll bite your face off." Her mom added. "They'll bit your face off." Her dad repeated. "Hey! That's my son you're talking about." Zevon said, coming over with Principal Lee. "I suggest you move along, Mr Necrodopolis." She said. "I'll make sure they look after him. I'm sorry." "Zed! Please." Addison yelled out. "Addy, I'm sorry. Maybe they're right. Maybe we shouldn't be together." Zed said. "What? No! No, don't say that. Just stop!"

The zombies and Witney started moving towards the van. "Hey!" Addison shouted out to the booing crowd. "You did this to him. All of you! He was your monster. You made him feel like he had to risk his life to belong. Because you couldn't deal with someone different, but you had no problem using him to win your stupid games." Addison screamed before turning around and starting to sing.

At the end of the song, Addison turned back around to face the crowd and ripped her wig off. Underneath, Addison's natural hair was short and white and it stuck out in all directions. But it was beautiful. Just like she was. She looked over to Witney and Zed who smiled at her in pride.


"Alright, get out." The security guards said as they opened the door of the van, letting Zed, Eliza, and Bonzo out. Witney was already waiting for them. "Sweet. Eliza, they have wifi now." Zed said, looking down at his Z Band. They stared at him with blank looks on their faces. "Too soon?" He asked. "Cheerleaders steal my computer, sabotage everything, yet zombies get the blame." Eliza scoffed. 

"You know, it was stupid of us to think humans were gonna change. You know what? We tried doing it the nice way. Now, it's time to do it my way. Alright? We'll have a zombie uprising. Force them to make us equal or we tear it all down. Hey, I've been waiting my whole life. Alright. I'm sick of waiting." Eliza ranted before storming off to hers and Witney's house. Witney gave Zed's hand a gentle squeeze before following after her sister.



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