vi. because it's not right

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Witney stood with Zed as they waited for Eliza at her locker

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Witney stood with Zed as they waited for Eliza at her locker. Zed was fooling around with his Z Band. "Look, I'm all for you trampling the system and the opposing team but you really gotta stop messing with your Z Band. Okay? It's not safe." Eliza said after she closed her locker. "It's just one more game to get through." Zed said. "And then no more hacking your Z Band?" Eliza asked. "Please?" Witney added. "Yeah. Totally." Zed said. "Okay." Eliza said and walked away. Zed closed his locker and then him and Witney followed after Eliza.


"Addison!" Witney called out as the blonde went to walk up the stairs. She turned around to face them. "Last night, we wanted to help when the zombie patrol arrived but I was just, I was afraid-" Addison cut Zed off. "Guys, it's not your fault." She said. "The big problem is my parents won't let me cheer until they meet you." She continued. "Great! So, I'll just win them over with my quick wit and charming smile." Zed said with a wink.

"Zed..." Witney started off, already knowing what Addison was going to say. "No. Not great. They don't know you're a zombie." Addison said. "And they hate zombies." Zed realized. "Yeah. I'm so sorry." "I'm sorry for making things difficult for you." Zed said. "No. No. You haven't done anything wrong besides being you. And you're great." Addison sighed. "You know what? If my family can't accept zombies maybe I don't want to be a cheerleader anymore."

"But you love cheer. It's what makes you, you." Witney said. Addison shook her head. "I wish... I could just flip a switch and change everything. But, I can't. I have to go. I'm late for class." She said before turning around and rushing up the stairs. Witney and Zed started walking the other way before Zed stopped. "Flip a switch." He said, looking down at his Z Band.



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"This isn't a good idea." Witney said as they walked up to Addison's front door. "Babe, relax. It'll be fine. Don't even worry about it." Zed said. He had fooled around with his Z Band to make him look human. Witney rang the doorbell and her parents opened it. "Handsome." Addison's mother said, looking over to Zed. "And gorgeous." Her father said, looking at Witney. "You look." Addison trailed off. Zed handed the flowers to Addison's mother.

"Thank you. They're beautiful." She said. "So... how do you know my daughter?" Addison's father asked. "She's a cheerleader and I'm on the football team." Zed responded. "And I was his girlfriend before we met Addison." Witney said as Zed wrapped an arm around her waist. "Really?" Her father asked. "Really." Zed confirmed. "You know, I used to play a little ball myself." "He did." "Really?" "Really. I was a fullback." "Get out. I'm a fullback."

"No!" "Yeah!" "Let's do this." "Let's go Mighty Shrimp. Break!" They said at the same time. "On five!" "That was amazing." Addison's mother gushed. "That's what I'm talking about." Addison pushed through her parents. "We're gonna go to the Homecoming game." She said. "Nice meeting you." Witney said. "Addison, they are such nice people." Addison's mother said. "Such nice people. Where did you dig them up?" Her father asked. "I'll see you at the game."

She rushed forward and linked her hands with Zed and Witney. "How did you?" She asked Zed. "I adjusted my Z Band. I can feel the energy coursing through my bones right now. It's awesome!" He rambled. "Hey. We still got time before the game. We owe you a real date." He said. "A date?" Addison questioned. "Yup."


"Like I said. A proper date." Zed said as they approached the ice cream shop. "Wow." Addison said, opening the door and holding it open for Witney who walked inside and sat down at a table. Zed and Addison soon joined her. Addison looked at the menu. "Vanilla. Vanilla. Double vanilla. Can you guess what the last one is?" She read out. "Vanilla." Witney said. "Yeah. How'd you know?" She asked sarcastically.

"You guys got a wide variety." Witney added. "Of vanilla." Addison said. The waitress handed them their cups of vanilla ice cream. "This is so Seabrook." Addison commented. "Hey, you know what? Vanilla works." Zed said. "I've always wanted to come here. Now finally, here I am with you on a date." He said to the two girls in front of him. "This is so great. Right?" "Is it, Zed?" Addison asked. "Yeah. Look at us. We're together."

"But you're forced to be someone you're not. Here and on the football field." Addison said. "So? You wear a wig to fit in. Why can't I do the same thing with my Z Band? Why is that so bad?" Zed asked. Witney and Addison reached across the table to grab his hand. "Because it's not right." Zed pulled his hand away and pulled his sleeve back down. "We're changing ourselves. When what needs to change is everybody else." Addison said. "Addy, we're gonna make this work, okay? Everything's great. Trust me. I'll dial myself back to zombie mode and win the game."


Witney rushed down to the field when she noticed Zed sit down when he was supposed to be out on the field with the rest of his teammates. Addison must've had the same idea as she also rushed over. "Hey! You okay?" She asked as they sat down on either side of him. "Yeah." Zed responded. "Yeah. Uh... Almost there. I do this and we win." 

"Addison!" Bucky called out. "Oh, I have to go." She placed her hand on Zed's shoulder. "But I'll be cheering for you." "Addison!" Bucky called out again. She got up and ran back to the cheerleaders. Witney leaned up and pressed a kiss against Zed's cheek. "Be careful. I love you."

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