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"Hello everyone you are very welcome here today. I would like to congratulate you on your acceptance to Yorkshire High. Believe it or not only the very special students with potential get excepted here and we believe out of all our applicants you guys and girls deserved it most". I felt his speech was very encouraging. I zoned off for a few minutes while checking my phone then I listened again while he continued to speak  "I would now like to introduce you to your teachers. Here at Yorkshire High. They prefer if you call them by their first names so without delaying any further I  would like to introduce you to your English lecturer Victor everyone please welcome him to the stage".  I sat back and felt relaxed in my seat. Then a very familiar voice came over the microphone a very deep, low serious tone. I looked up to see who it was "Oh My Gosh. it can't be" I burst out before I could contain myself. "Shhhhhhh" a girl said from behind me. I decided to contain myself and not say anything to her so I turned back and looked back at the stage. Why him out of all people I though to myself. It was the rude guy I bumped into in the morning before I got on the bus. I have to say this nice guy act he has going on is pretty impressive considering he acted like an ass this morning. He's going to be my English lecturer. Well I can count that class failed. This is so frustrating. For the next few teachers I didn't pay much attention I just thought about Victor and how nice he acted during his speech. I wanted to go up to him and shout "cut the crap" but instead I sat back in my seat and waited patiently until the assembly was over. "Why does this always happen to me" I thought.

After the assembly ended I decided to go back to my room and lie on my bed for a while before the next big meeting. "Will I tell Veronica or will I not tell her. I don't know what to do because I knew if I tell her she will blow everything out of proportion but if I don't the suspense is going to eat me up inside . I can't have him as a lecturer it's going to be so frustrating looking at his annoying fake face everyday". Eventually I decided to close my eyes to try and take a relaxing nap when there was a knock on the door. "Whose this now, come back later' I shouted but they continued to knock. Maybe, it's Veronica or another person from the welcoming committee I thought to myself. I pulled myself off the bed and somehow got myself to the door as I rubbed my eyes in exhaustion. I swung it open to see a big black suit in from of me. I slowly lifted my head and rubbed my eyes once more. No, I realised I wasn't seeing things he really was standing right in front of me. "Victor?" I said while looking at him in a surprised gaze.


Hey Everyone please read the updated version of my book " THE ENGLISH TEACHER" with more exciting new chapters to come

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Yana G

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